
Texas Standard: January 8, 2016

Coming up: two men arrested for terrorism related charges. One in California the other in Houston. What’s the story? We’ll explore. And you’ve heard about the standoff in Oregon? It’s been going on for a week…But did you know about the standoff in Texas that lasted more than a decade? An armed man’s been holding his ground on 47-acres outside Dallas. Plus, we talk with folks who’ve caught crawfish and others who’ve lost cattle — seriously, they can’t find them and are hoping Facebook can help. Those stories, and more, on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 5, 2016

She was the first openly gay mayor of any major metro city. Now, Annise Parker tells us what’s next, and what’s off the table. Coming up an unusually candid conversation with the former mayor of Houston also how the energy capitol of the world might weigh in on the presidential race. Also a child sex abuse problem in the military… plus, holiday twisters reveal shoddy construction issues, and how lessons of Waco from 20 years back might be a factor in the Oregon standoff. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 31, 2015

Ethan Couch will be staying in Mexico a little while longer: so says a Mexican judge on this New Years Eve…the latest today on the Texas standard. With Blue Bell returning to the shelves it would appear the company put the listeria crisis behind it…but now hear this: a justice department investigation. What did Blue Bell owners know and when did they know it? Also a look ahead to high tech and Texas politics in 2016…and pass the black eyed peas please…what’s the backstory on the Texas tradition? Those stories and much more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 30, 2015

10 million, 50 million, do I hear 7 times that figure? Taxpayer dollars for state bonus checks, but where are the checks and balances? Plus- you thought Rick Perry had left politics? Think again. Jim Malewitz of the Texas Tribune reports on what’s drawn him back. And imagine Uber for gasoline…oops, someone beat cha to it. Also we take the wraps off our first ever Texas Freedom Index…and lots more. Its the national news show of Texas, the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 24, 2015

What were the biggest stories of 2015? The view from the coast, and your votes: get em in…its a Christmas eve edition of the Texas Standard. Hundreds of children in camps in north Texas, and more coming… there’s even talk of opening beds at fort hood. All to accommodate the latest wave of kids coming across the border. More from NPR’s John Burnett who joins us in the Texas Standard studio. Also: remember the yule log on TV? Now for the age of the iPad, it’s the y’all log. And the winners and losers in Texas politics…according to the editor of the Texas Tribune. Merry Christmas Ya’ll it’s Texas Standard time:

Texas Standard: December 18, 2015

Thousands of kids placed in unreasonable risk of harm? A Federal judge says Texas has a broken foster care system- on today’s Texas Standard.
Coming up, we’ll take a trip to Crystal City, Texas… in 1944…you’d be surprised what was there.
Plus threats sent to schools in D.C., Los Angeles, Houston and Dallas. An expert on how to tell whether there’s real risk.
And what makes a Texas fruitcake unique? Its not the fruit.

Texas Standard: December 17, 2015

Congress could be poised to lift a ban on oil exports that’s existed for four decades.
We’ll explore why on today’s Texas Standard.
Coming up: the fruit that’s actually a berry, that’s native to Texas.
And, how about some Texas craft beer to help those bitter berries go down? We’ll sample what some say might be a beer bubble.
Also, we’ll take a look at new rules to prevent concussions — not in football, but soccer.
Plus, the man in charge of Texas schools gives himself a final grade before stepping down.

Texas Standard: December 15, 2015

His confessionals are making headlines, and a hit podcast, but will they be a factor in his just announced court martial? That story today on the Texas Standard.
4 of the 9 bikers killed in the Waco shootout were killed by police. How an attempt to control information in the case may be making things worse for all involved.
Also, girl fights! What’s behind the fastest growing professional sport in the US.
School competition taken to the next level, and cautionary notes for Texans traveling out of state this holiday season: or how to avoid fights at the dinner table.

Texas Standard: November 23, 2015

What do Greg Abbott, Hillary Clinton, and George Wallace have in common? Public sentiment and the perils of playing to it…today on the Texas Standard.
Erasing symbols of racism: why an Ivy League campus may sever ties with a champion of progressive politics.
Also, you may have heard of predictive policing—researchers in Fort Worth working with the state to forecast child abuse.
And just in time for holiday travel, why airlines may not seem to care about customer service…it’s not just your imagination.

Texas Standard: November 13, 2015

Why did Sandra Bland die in an East Texas jail? The county now blames her friends and family. Now an official change to curb jail suicides. Also asylum seekers in the US unwittingly raking in millions for a big corporation? NPR’s John Burnett joins us to talk about his investigation…And Texas versus Washington in Shanghai- the first regular season game in US sports history set to get underway this weekend in China…What’s the big idea? Probably not what you think it is. Plus our review of the week in politics with the Texas Tribune and much more, check your watches its Texas Standard time.

Texas Standard: October 23, 2015

Football games cancelled, and weather officials warn ‘we’re just getting started’ as a flood threat stretches statewide- the latest on todays Texas Standard. Raids on planned parenthood centers across the state. What are investigators looking for and why? Also saving the streets of Laredo: old buildings at the center of a fight between progress and preservation. And the self described queen of speed tries to go where no man has gone before this weekend … a record setting attempt atop a BMW bike….plus a hot tip for a weekend getaway, the week in politics and much more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton wins an endorsement from a Texan some think might share the ticket…who’s in the running for number two–that’s ahead today on the Texas Standard. The grandson of one president who’s also nephew of another is shaking up what he calls the biggest state agency Texans have never heard of. Our conversation with Land commissioner George P. Bush. And outside big cities, cheap land for sale: some say its the American dream- others call them instant slums. The pitch and the pushback. Plus your guide to the annual Texas book festival, the week in Politics and much more. Its the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 2, 2015

The Oregon shooter, and the online screed no one bothered to report. The wild west of digital speech and the dangers. Plus -a flurry news pushes Syria off the front pages, but a former NSC analyst in Texas warns there’s much more to Russia’s gambit there than meets the eye. We’ll discuss. Also, in the game of East Texas hold em known as patent trolling, the tables are turned in dramatic fashion… Hey twitter, what are we outraged about today? Making the case for and against so called slacktivism. Also the week in politics, mums and garters and lots more, today on the Texas Standard:

Higher Ed: Liberal Arts, Democracy, and the Media

What happens when you mix together liberal arts and democracy and then throw in a little media coverage? You get a fascinating discussion about the intersection of those three storied institutions. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher EdKUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss how liberal arts learning habits can help us navigate our democracy – especially when political discussions in the media sometimes seem more contentious than civil. In this episode, Ed and Jennifer talk politics – or more specifically, they talk about talking about politics. They also hash out the solution to the latest math puzzler about truth-tellers and liars. How can you tell them apart? Listen on for the creative solution.

Texas Standard: September 11, 2015

During the cold war many Cubans fled to Miami. Now that there’s a thaw…why are Cubans flocking to Texas…and why so many? Also- Boca Chica we have a problem—Residents of a tiny gulf coast village now wish wish that Space X would take off…we’ll hear why. And Attention shoppers, Texas A&M thinks its developed a better tater- we’ll hear about the Reveille Russet. Also the rise of adult coloring books, make that -coloring books for grown-ups…Plus the week in Texas politics, and much more.

V&B: Molly Ivins

In this episode of Views & Brews, KUT’s Rebecca McInroy joins Ivins’ long-time friend and author of Stirring It Up with Molly Ivins, Ellen Sweets as well as Pullitzer-Prize winning political cartoonist Ben Sargent and Ivins’ personal assistant Betsy Moon  in a discussion on Molly’s approach to politics, her life, the significance of satire, and of course food.

Texas Standard: August 10, 2015

Another officer shooting, another unarmed black man- this time in North Texas. The case of Christian Taylor today on the Texas Standard. Also, the Obama Administration was ordered to shutdown Texas immigrant detention centers. But the justice department is asking to keep them open…we’ll hear the rationale. Plus, he may be trumping the rest of the pack when it comes to media attention, but is he really all that unusual as a presidential candidate? We’ll revisit the original outsider and his not so small impact on presidential politics: here’s a hint–he’s got a Texas twang. Its Texas Standard time:

Texas Standard: July 3, 2015

Efforts to step up awareness of possible threats on this 4th of July weekend…just how serious are security concerns? We’ll explore today on the Texas Standard. Nearly 800 million dollars coming to Texas to compensate for the worst oil disaster in history. But how’s that cash gonna be used? And who’s minding the money? Also, a safety net for shale drillers set to expire and a warning about the economic implications.
NPR’s John Burnett joins us to preview his new series on a hush hush crackdown on corruption in South Texas. Plus, the week in Texas politics, your holiday must do list and lots more.


So far there are 19 presidential hopefuls for 2016, and most of them will make Texas a major stop on their campaign trail. That was the inspiration for this week’s Typewriter Rodeo poem by David Fruchter.

Texas Standard: June 19, 2015

It’s marked across the US and beyond but it got its start here in Texas 150 years ago today…It’s Juneteenth and this is the Texas Standard. A day of celebration overshadowed by tragedy. Today our commentator calls for a 21st century civil rights movement. Also, The president’s vision for a coal free power grid…how close is Texas to meeting his goals? Closer than you might think. As a new pixar blockbuster heads for the big screen, we’ll do our best to turn the premise “Inside Out”. All that plus the week in Texas politics and more.