
Texas Standard: June 6, 2016

May it please the court? When in Brownsville beware. A judge in the deferred deportation case orders Washington attorneys back to ethics school. That story today on the Texas Standard.

Two police training academies shut down in south Texas–the allegations: brutality toward cadets. Details on the investigation.

Also the skinny on a school district taking childhood obesity rates rather seriously.

And should Hillary Clinton borrow a tactic from LBJ? How the campaign of 64 could foretell the autum of 2016.

Plus, a new breakout profession—the cuddler.

Turn it up and get cozy because the Texas Standard is on the air.

Texas Standard: June 3, 2016

Texas versus Donald Trump and Trump University- a multimillion dollar lawsuit that never happened. Why not? And was it political? That story today on the Texas Standard.

How powerful the rising waters? The death toll climbs at Fort Hood in the wake of a tragedy underscoring the dangers.

Also an event 50 years ago this week that forever changed Texas politics and civil rights, but is somehow missing from school textbooks.

And with an 8 person US Supreme Court set to issue orders next week, a Texas Supreme Court Justice joins us with a modest proposal: consider a tie breaker.

All that and much more on today’s Texas Standard.

Texas Standard: June 2, 2016

Parked squarely over Texas a weather system promising more rain for days- but should we turn our attention to the ground? That story today on the Texas Standard.

In January new rules took effect making it tougher for minors seeking an abortion in Texas without parental consent. Six months later: what’s happened?

Also, a question for Hillary Clinton: which “red states” could she take in November? Her enthusiastic reply may surprise you. Veteran democratic consultant Harold Cook on whether she could, in fact, “come and take it”.

Plus, underrated tech for Texans- and a whole lot more. We’re just getting started.

Texas Standard: May 27, 2016

A Fundamental failure: the finding that led to a shake up at Baylor. Heads are rolling, but then what? Implications bigger than Baylor, we’ll explore. Also the clouds were low and dark and thick: Memorial day weekend one year later. We’ll look at how people have recovered and are still rebuilding from an historic flood. And they can’t drink, can’t smoke, but can they run a city? The north Texas town where the kids are, if not large, definitely in charge. Also…you remember the heroes of the 1836…but you’ve probably forgotten where the Alamo is…good news: archaeologists think they’ve found it. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 13, 2016

A long awaited ruling over how Texas pays for its kids to get an education. The ruling: its ugly, but’s its constitutional. We’ll explore. Also the Obama administration ups the ante in the bathroom wars of 2016–issuing a directive to all schools in the US. Texas is plotting a legal pushback. And a de facto Fort Knox for Texas? At the GOP convention in Dallas, companies pitch plans to store billions in Texas bullion. But…why? And a 100 years after the Waco horror, what do modern day Texans know about that ugly chapter of history. Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 3, 2016

When he started, few would have cast him as the Republican establishment’s pick for President. Tonight is it Cruz’ last stand? That story today on the Texas Standard

The worst of the rain may be gone, but perhaps not the worst of the floods. Environmentalists worry about what may be an overlooked concern showing up in photos- we’ll explain.

A would-be bathroom ordinance gets flushed- but also points to future battles across the state.

Also, a Texas social media ban that could cross the line.

And further evideince that Texas’ reputation for food is fast growing beyond the sterotypical barbecue pit.

Texas Standard: April 15, 2016

Amid reports of child deaths and top level departures, a shakeup at Child Protective Services. But is CPS beyond repair? Also New York’s upcoming primary may be getting all the headlines, but closer to home, there’s a bitter behind the scenes battle for delegates in Texas…we’ll hear what’s happening. And how ya gonna keep em down on the server farm given the cost of energy? As cloud computing grows, Texas searches for ways to take a load off the grid. Plus a party like its 1891…a search for the soul of San Antonio’s Fiesta… and much more… on todays Texas Standard:

Quinoa: Tanya Kerssen (Ep. 12)

“While no one would argue that Bolivian farmers shouldn’t get a good price for their crop, these trends cannot be ignored—or left up to global market forces. Perhaps most tragic of all is that this boom (and booms are always followed by a bust) is leading the poorest, most vulnerable farmers to degrade their own environment—i.e. the material basis for their very survival and cultural identity—in the name of short-term food security.” Tanya Kerseen “Quinoa: To Buy or Not to Buy…Is This the Right Question?”

In this edition of TSI, Raj Patel, Tom Philpott and Rebecca McInroy talk qunioa with Tanya Kerssen, author of Grabbing Power: The New Struggles for Land, Food, and Democracy in Northern Honduras.

Texas Standard: March 25, 2016

Too dangerous. That’s the basic message from a Texas university now banning study abroad travel to a European country. Details on the Texas Standard. Also the influential role of the Texas State Board of Education… or maybe it’s not so influential. Plus… how something simple could help more shelter pets across the state find homes. Dating the cousins of your high school friends… or the high school friends of your cousins… the challenges of rural love life… even with modern technology. And it’s Friday!! That means it’s time for the Typewriter Rodeo and a wild week in Texas politics… on Today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 18, 2016

More rain in the forecast today for parts of Texas including those already under water. How disaster declarations affect resources and recovery. Also – Genocide… or just war? Understanding why the declaration about ISIS makes a difference. Plus… SeaWorld in San Antonio and the coasts are making changes to how they do business… we’ll hear how it might make a difference with ticket-buyers. Why growing up in the foster care system can be especially hard for LGBTQ kids. And… ahhh it’s Friday! That means we’ve got the typewriter rodeo and a look back at the week that was in Texas politics. All of that and lots more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 14, 2016

Condemning his rhetoric but sticking to his pledge of support. A closer look at Ted Cruz’s talk on GOP frontrunner Donald Trump — today on the Texas Standard.

Austin is supposed to be a great place for tech startups… but is there money to back that up?

Plus… Women pay more for clothes than men… a look at the economics behind the gender bias.

Seeking help for addiction. How some programs in Texas use faith to make a difference.

And we’ll take you to Colombia… where violence and the hope of peace talks have ripple effects in Texas.

Texas Standard: March 4, 2016

In a messy political season a war of words dominates the front pages–as a war in real life simmers half a world away. The cost for Texas, today on the Texas Standard.

It’s being called a watershed moment in the American conservative movement—as a top gathering of conservatives embraces a gay rights group.

Crosses on cop cars in Texas: how does that square with, you know, the constitution?

Also, tips for Texas musicians, how do you get your music played on the radio, anyway?

Plus, the week in politics and much more – no matter where you are, it’s Texas Standard time.

Texas Standard: March 2, 2016

In the electoral wrecking ball of 2016, the Texas establishment emerges largely unscathed. But there’s more than meets the eye–we’ll explore. Happy Texas Independence Day! We’ll break apart the winners and losers all across the state, and what the outcomes tells us about who we are and where we’re headed politically. Also it could be one of the most significant abortion cases in years—a case from Texas–gets an audience before the 8 justices of the supreme court. In a post Scalia era…what happens if there’s a draw? Those stories and so much more, it’s a busy news day on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 26, 2016

Americans, they say, are turned off by political nastiness. So everyone watched last night expecting nuance? The politics of spectacle on today’s Texas Standard.

After the dust up in Houston last night, who’s paying attention to what’s at stake here for the democrats? We’ll hear how the Sanders and Clinton camps are taking two separate paths to Super Tuesday.

Also, Wall Street is buzzing right now over the rebound of an old line Texas retailer. But in the 21st century, does Penney’s make sense?

And, over the deep dark skies of West Texas researchers discover a new planet. And no it does not orbit around Austin.

Texas Standard: February 22, 2016

The end of an era in Texas and National politics? Wither what was once referred to as the Bush dynasty? Also universities want to get tough on campus sexual violence but are they looking for scapegoats in order to polish their images? A pair of closely watched Texas cases. Plus, you heard of laissez-faire economics: but when it comes to falling oil prices, they’re making us lazy. Fair? We’ll discuss. And what if you could dip your spoon into ice cream and tell if it might not make you feel well? Ring any Bells Texas? All of that and more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 19, 2016

We’re pretty familiar these days with the standard political party views on immigration but how have they evolved over the decades? We’ll explore. Also a state-led effort to prevent the need for foster care in some cases… we’ll take a look. Plus- are you snacking right now? How adult eating habits may be linked to some childhood experiences. Recognizing an uncomfortable piece of the past… that’s the struggle right now in one North Texas community. And… Friday means the Typewriter Rodeo and a look back at the week that was in Texas politics. It’s all ahead on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 12, 2016

What if you planned a sex expo and the city turned off the lights? The ties that might bind Dallas…constitutionally speaking… Order in the court, and by order I mean where’s that suit, son? A Houston judge and the tirade that has the Justice Department steaming. Also The doctor, the druggist, and the Texas law that’s supposed to stop kickbacks between the two. How big a problem is it, really? And the larger than life Texas politician Texans may have forgotten too soon…and why that might be a bad thing for good government. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 29, 2016

Equal Rights. Equal Obligations? A rite of passage for men may become a legal requirement for young women, too. Details today on the Texas Standard. Efforts are underway to remove a last vestige of sexism in the military. Not all women are thrilled about it, however. We’ll explore. Also Is growth is Texas making economic segregation worse…how one texas community may have found a solution. Plus lariats and laureates: lassoing the allure of cowboy poetry. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 19, 2016

What does the governor of Texas want from Israel? How his visit changed from an economic agenda to a political posture. Governor Greg Abbott restates his opposition to Iran during a one on one with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Another Texan planning for higher office? Also a Texas man freed in the Iran prisoner swap takes Uber home to Houston. Plus creating positive energy from traffic: one researcher says it’s a no brainer and gearing up for a Papal visit less than one month away. Cities on both sides of the Texas Border prepare a Pontiff game plan. Those stories and many more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 15, 2015

Did Texas Senator Ted Cruz stop the questions about his Canadian birth? Donald trump doesn’t think so. We’ll explore. Also why corruption among cops on both sides of the border is a problem for every Texan. And rewriting the book of life: every chapter and every relationship one memory at a time That’s the new reality for one Texas teen following a concussion. And the everyday origins of an exotic disease making its way to Texas. All of those stories and more on todays Texas Standard: