Usually during KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss issues related to learning and education. So how does it turn out when they add another voice to the mix? In this episode, they are joined by second-year Southwestern University student Tristin Evans. She adds a student perspective to the discussion and talks about what it was like to move from being a student to being a teacher’s assistant in one of Dr. Burger’s classes. Ed teaches a class at Southwestern called “Effective Thinking and Creative Puzzle-Solving.” Tristin has taken the class and then transitioned into a role assisting him with the course. Ed and Jennifer talked with Tristin about what she learned in switching positions and what advice she has for younger learners (or really learners of any age). Hear their discussion and also the solution to the numbers-filled puzzler from the last episode. Good news – there’s more than one way to get the solution!
This episode was recorded on March 24, 2017.