Billboards are all over I-35 — but not MoPac and a few other freeways in Austin. Why not?
Why Does The Top Of Austin’s Tallest Building Look ‘Unfinished’?
Everyone’s an architecture critic. But why does the crown on “The Independent” look the way it does?
Who Is That Guy With The ‘Giant Bird’ In South Austin?
In our latest, “Hi, Who Are You?” story, we hear the story of a man and his bird — and the family that wanted to meet them.
Answering the Unanswerable With KUTX’s John Aielli — Episode 1
We get a lot of questions for ATXplained that don’t really have answers. So KUT’s Andrew Weber put some of those to longtime KUT/X host John Aielli.
Who Is The Man In Southwest Austin Who Fostered Over 100 Babies With His Wife?
For the next episode in our Hi, Who Are You? series, KUT’s Nadia Hamdan introduces us to Burrell W. Lankford.
What’s The Real Story Behind Dan’s Hamburgers And Fran’s Hamburgers?
Their signs looked oddly similar. The names were pretty darn close, too. Is the origin of Dan’s and Fran’s an urban legend?
Who Is The Crossing Guard Who Waves To Everyone Near Mendez Middle School?
Are there people in your life that you see all the time, but have never stopped to meet?
What Ever Happened To Austin’s ‘Spamarama’?
The spiced ham product was the centerpiece of this longtime festival. For a time, the event was insanely popular — so what why did it go away?
So, About The Origin Of ‘The Live Music Capital Of The World’… We Were Wrong. Here’s The Real Story.
OK, now we have the definitive story of Austin’s official nickname (we think).
The Last Man On Rainey Street
The families who once lived on Rainey Street all left. One man is still there.
Who Were The Streets In This North Austin Neighborhood Named After?
Who were Miranda, Esther, Lisa and Rufus?
Why Is Austin’s Foliage So Amazing This Fall?
Mose Buchele takes a walk with our question-asker to learn the science behind this fall’s colorful trees.
TELL US: When Can You Call Yourself A “Real” Austinite?
What are the experiences that bind Austinites together?
Send us your answer at or call/text to 737-443-9466 or email us at
Why Are There So Few Homes With Basements Around Austin?
Basements are common in other parts of the country. So why not here? Is it the rock? The flooding? Nope.
What Ever Happened To Austin’s Long-Running Aqua Fest?
For decades, Aqua Fest was an annual celebration in Austin. Then, it stopped. One ATXplained listener wanted to know why.
We’re Doing A Live Show! Come Be A Part Of It!
Join us on Friday, September 21 at 7 p.m. at the Texas Union Theater on the UT campus.
Details and tickets (they’re free) are right here.
Can You Get A Refund If The MoPac Toll Lanes Aren’t Moving At 45 MPH?
The operators of the MoPac tolls lanes say the “goal” is 45 mph — so what happens if it doesn’t meet that goal?
What Are Capitol View Corridors?
State and city efforts to preserve views of the Texas Capitol have led to some oddly-shaped buildings in downtown Austin.
Why Was I-35 Designed As A Double-Decker Through Central Austin?
Interstate Highway 35 is many things to many people. It is a vital thoroughfare for commerce and shipping. It is also an economic and social barrier through much of Austin. And nearly from its construction, it has been a source of frustration for drivers stuck in its traffic. I-35 has inspired a number of questions and even legends about its design and those who made it.
What’s Up With The ‘Doors To Nowhere’ At Austin’s New Central Library?
There’s a new building in Austin that’s drawing a lot of attention. And there are a couple of doors — yes, doors — in that building that are getting some funny looks. Several people asked about them for our ATXplained project.
KUT’s Audrey McGlinchy investigated.