KUT’s Andrew Weber poses “unanswerable” ATXPlained questions for KUTX’s John Aielli to answer. Like, “Why does Austin have such beef with California?”
John Aielli Answers the Unanswerable ATXPlained Questions (Part 2)
KUT’s Andrew Weber poses “unanswerable” ATXPlained questions for KUTX’s John Aielli to answer. Like, “What’s up with the ladybug invasions that occur in some homes?”
Get tickets now for the next edition of ATXplained Live on Sept. 28!
We’re bringing our show back to the stage next month at the Paramount Theatre in downtown Austin.
Tickets available now at austintheatre.org
Is there really a buried treasure in Walnut Creek Park?
Who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt? But is any of it real?
KUT’s Skye Seipp tries to find the X.
Saying goodbye to Austin’s Godfather of Clubbing
We first met Yorkie Louie in 2020. Now, he’s leaving the dance floor — at least in Austin.
Who maintains and decorates the teeny-tiny traffic median on Enfield Road?
A traffic median can be anything you imagine. A field of green grass. A pedestal for a classic statue. Or a vegetable garden.
Was there ever a tug-of-war over Austin’s Congress Avenue Bridge?
No. But there is more to it than that.
Why don’t more Austin restaurants make their own tortillas?
Austin thinks it has great food going for it. But does it? We look into the mystery of why more restaurants don’t make this staple from scratch.
What’s the story behind this weird sculpture next to MoPac?
We’re back with a story about a weird sculpture near MoPac and Enfield. But there’s more to it than that.
Who Is Herman the Singing Plumber?
A plumber. Who sings?
As part of our Hi, Who Are You? spinoff, we get introduced to Herman Bennett.
Who Is Buried In This Cemetery On 51st Street In Austin?
Who will remember you when you die? Family? Friends?
We got a question about a cemetery in Central Austin for ATXplained.
It got KUT’s Matt Largey thinking about what happens when people are forgotten.
Who Has The Ninja Style And Kung Fu Grip To Spray-Paint Austin’s Most Visible Graffiti?
The words would appear on the bridge overnight. The artist would come and go like a ninja. But who is it? And why did they do it?
What’s Story Behind The ‘Will You Marry Me?’ Mural That Was On South Lamar?
If you’ve ever been near Lamar and Oltorf, you probably saw it. But what’s the story behind the now-gone mural there?
What Is The History Behind Polling Locations In Grocery Stores In Austin?
Voting should be easy, right? Well, can it get any easier than going to your local supermarket?
KUT’s Jimmy Maas has the history behind what’s become an election season tradition in Austin.
Austin’s Club Scene Has A Godfather. Here’s His Story.
Yorkie Louie is known as the Godfather of Clubbing in Austin. But his story is more complicated than that.
Someone asked about him for our ATXplained spin-off, Hi, Who Are You?.
Who Writes The ‘Funny Little Messages’ On Signs Along Austin Roads?
Traffic sucks. But every so often a sign in the distance might give you a chuckle. Or a groan.
So who writes those electronic road signs with (sometimes) funny rhymes?
We’re Doing A Live Show! Last Chance To Get Tickets.
Tickets are running out for our Jan. 23 ATXplained Live show at the Hogg Auditorium.
Details and tickets here.
Who Started Austin’s 37th Street Christmas Light Tradition?
Austin’s 37th St. lights aren’t the only holiday light display in town, but it did draw this question about its origins.
Who Is The One Chatty Guy Who Works At The Post Office In East Austin?
Christine Hannon wanted to meet this postal worker who seems to know everyone who come into his East Austin post office.
Who Is This Woman Who Helps Older Austinites Stay Socially Connected?
The aging population is growing fast in Austin. So Becky Rhodes said we should meet a couple trying to keep seniors active in the community.