Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

October 9, 2020

Saturday Buskin’

By: Laurie Gallardo

The AMM has your schedule for Domain Northside‘s Northside Rocks Busking Hours, an October music series spotlighting local artists, each performing at different spots around the Domain from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays. Plenty of opportunities for musical discovery and supporting local artists!

This SaturdaySan Gabriel (“Another One” featured on today’s AMM), PR Newman, and Cari Hutson.

October 17th –  Aubrey Hays, Shiela, and Andrew Nolte.

October 24thHenry Invisible, Alesia Lani, and Pelvis Wrestley.

Check the Domain’s website for locations, and thanks in advance for practicing social distancing as you enjoy these performances.

-Photo of San Gabriel (James Bookert) by Joel Sutton.