
ATXplained > All Episodes

November 9, 2023

What’s the oldest tree in Austin?

By: Matt Largey

The full transcript of this episode of ATXplained is available on the KUT & KUTX Studio website. The transcript is also available as subtitles or captions on some podcast apps.

The average American human lives to their 70s. The average giant tortoise can live more than 100 years. The Greenland shark can live up to 500 years. What about trees in Austin?

This transcript was transcribed by AI, and lightly edited by a human. Accuracy may vary. This text may be revised in the future.


November 22, 2024

Introducing 24 Hours in Austin

TXplained wants to share a new podcast with you. 24 Hours in Austin tries to answer the question: What does a day in the life of Austin, Texas sound like?


October 17, 2024

Why are people dropping flour in weird patterns around Austin?

Our question asker noticed it happening at Boggy Creek Trail. But the explanation is weirder — and more fun! — than you might think.


October 3, 2024

Why hasn’t Bob Schneider ever had a Top 40 hit?

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September 19, 2024

How is Big Stacy Pool naturally heated?

It’s the hot to Barton Springs’ cold. Why is Big Stacy warm year-round?


September 5, 2024

Were there ever alligators in Zilker Park?

A generation of Austinites’ memories all line up: several alligators right in Zilker Park in the 1980s. Is it some kind of mass delusion or could it be true?


August 29, 2024

What’s the story behind this insert from a 1975 ZZ Top album?

In 1974, Austin was host to an epic — and epically messy — concert at UT’s Texas Memorial Stadium. This is the story from people who were there.


August 22, 2024

Why is there a display about Jasper Johns on the side of a Jason’s Deli in San Marcos?

A mysterious poster about a famous artist with no connections to Texas — or Jason’s Deli — leads us on a hunt for who made the thing — and why on Earth they put it there.


August 8, 2024

There used to be a pet cemetery in Pflugerville. What happened to the animals?

Where the pain stops and the good memories begin.
