Before Bad Brains, the Sex Pistols and the Ramones, there was Death. Formed in 1971 by three teenage brothers in Detroit, Michigan, the African-American group is widely acknowledged as being one of the first punk bands. After years of struggling with canceled contracts, increasing debts, inner family tragedy, and a controversial name that barred them from future success, Death sold off their instruments and disbanded; their recordings lying dormant in an attic for decades.
After years of silence, Death’s moment finally arrived following unexpected demand from rabid internet fans and record collectors, which ushered renowned appreciation and a swarm of national media attention that has now secured their place in the annals of rock history. A captivating documentary in the vein of Searching For Sugar Man, A Band Called Death is equal parts electrifying rockumentary and epic family chronicle.
Listen back as KUT’s Rebecca McInroy hosts the musicians from the band, for an evening of vibrant conversation and great live music with Death!