June 16, 2016
February 6, 2018
Black Women’s Roles in Horror (Ep. 4)
Explore black women’s role and portrayal in horror films and literature with University of Texas at San Antonio race, gender and horror scholar Kinitra Brooks. Special guest host La’Kayla Williams also performs DaLyah’s tarot card reading on this hair-raising episode.
January 23, 2018
Kitchen Diva Angela Medearis talks about the history and concepts of African American cuisine. Jackie also talks about the movie “Soul Food” and her theory of how Big Mama led to her own demise.
January 9, 2018
The history of Southern Hip-hop and the women missing in it is discussed with Nasir Jones Hiphop Fellow Dr. Regina N. Bradley. Jackie and DaLyah also speak with up-and-coming Houston hip-hop artist Megan Thee Stallion.
December 26, 2017
Delve into the history of the “black southern dialect” and hear about the insecurities and expectations when speaking in white or intellectual spaces. DaLyah and Jackie discuss the shaming that comes from friends and family when not speaking “black” enough. Their guest is the author of “Sista, Speak! Black Women Kinfolk Talk About Language and […]