Typewriter Rodeo

Typewriter Rodeo > All Episodes

November 16, 2018

The Weather In Texas In The Fall

By: Laura Rice

The sweater you wore to work has you sweating by the end of the day. Next morning, you’re looking for a winter coat behind the tank tops in your closet. Yep, it’s November in the Lone Star State.


December 22, 2023

Is it Friday yet?

This Typewriter Rodeo poem for the Texas Standard gives three perspectives on one nearly universal question — is it Friday yet?


December 15, 2023

Ode to NPR!

Texas Standard’s Typewriter Rodeo operates by request — this poem came from a suggestion by a listener identified as @earthweaver, who asked for some verses celebrating NPR.


December 8, 2023

Little Free Libraries

You can find Little Free Libraries in front yards, parks, and near community buildings. There are few rules and much to be discovered. That was the inspiration of this Typewriter Rodeo poem.


December 1, 2023


We’ll all have unavoidable goodbyes on Earth. The details may be different but those left living will undoubtedly face big and complex and changing feelings. This Typewriter Rodeo poem offers one experience as an example.


November 17, 2023

How to Go For a Walk

It’s one way to enjoy your neighborhood and maybe work up a little sweat. But do you need a little motivation to go for a walk? This Typewriter Rodeo poem says you can’t do it wrong.


November 10, 2023

Celebrating the Positive

Sometimes the outlook is bleak — or even downright awful. Even in the worst case scenario, some find hope in identifying the good. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.


November 3, 2023

The Ozark Howler

Texas Standard has been Tracking Texas Cryptids. Some are known for their distinctive appearance. Others are known for their unique sounds. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.


October 27, 2023

Neighborhood Halloween

Some blocks are trick-or-treat duds — no porch lights on, no one ready with the Halloween candy, no one home? Other blocks, are like the one that inspired this Typewriter Rodeo poem. (And maybe, there’s even the full-sized candy bar house!)
