Two Guys on Your Head

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June 5, 2017

Writer’s Block (Rebroadcast)

By: Rebecca McInroy

Writer’s block! That phrase might induce panic and a recollection of a familiar experience. It’s a very common phenomenon. So what is it?

When in the beginning stages of undertaking a new writing project, a writer might find themselves blocked – stuck in front of a blank page or screen with no thoughts coming to mind. This lack of creative flow is further exacerbated by anxiety over the lack of production – making it a self-perpetuating cycle that can lead to stagnation.

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke explain the ins and outs of how and why we sometimes get stuck – and what we can do to help ourselves in those difficult situations.

The key to avoiding writer’s block is to understand and remember one simple fact in particular: writing is a process.

Often, people who face writer’s block hold a false belief that the examples of good writing – the masterpieces of literary accomplishment – somehow emerged from the author fully formed. Since a novice writer’s early attempts to produce a draft might not meet their expectations of perfection, they might consider themselves a failure – all before they’ve even fully attempted the work.

Essentially, writer’s block is editing before the work is done. You have to start somewhere. To avoid writer’s block, just write. Get something down and from there you can start to revise it, which is how the work begins.


February 28, 2025

Giving Up

When we hear someone say they’re giving up, it’s not usually met with congratulations. However, on this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman and Bob Duke explore why perhaps it should be.


February 21, 2025

Celebration (Rebroadcast)

Why do we wait for big milestones to celebrate when the little wins matter just as much? In this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke explore the psychology behind celebration, gratitude, and achievement—revealing why our brains are wired to thrive on recognizing progress along the way.


February 14, 2025

The Word Love

Our producer, Rebecca McInroy, spent a lot of time in Greece as an undergraduate studying and living there; she adores the country and the language. On one of her first trips there, a Greek man accused her of being from a country of “barbarians” because in the English language, there is only one word for […]


February 7, 2025

Disappointment: Trauma and Expectations

Disappointment is unpleasant, and many times, when we’ve experienced past disappointments, we adjust our expectations so we don’t have to go through that again. Still, sometimes, that isn’t the best way to navigate our emotional lives. In the third and final episode of our series on the psychology of disappointment, Two Guys on Your Head, Art […]


January 31, 2025

Disappointment: Discipline

Disappointment is unpleasant, but we rarely take the time to reflect on the social dimensions of the feeling. In the second episode of our series on the psychology of disappointment, Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy talk about the role of disappointment as discipline.


January 24, 2025

Dissapointment: Expectations

Feeling disappointment is not pleasant, but rarely do we take the time to reflect on how re-calibrating our expectations can help us navigate disappointment more constructively. In the first episode of our series on the psychology of disappointment, Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy talk about the role of expectations.


January 17, 2025


It’s the start of the new year, and for many of us, it’s a time to plan projects and events or set goals. However, even with the best-laid plans, why do we have difficulty accomplishing all we set out to do or feel a sense of relief rather than joy when we complete big tasks? […]


January 10, 2025

The Psychology of The Artifical

*This episode contains artificially generated audio content. As humans, understanding what is “real” vs. what is “artificial” is something we are continuously coming to terms with. Feeling duped by something you thought was something else can be disconcerting. As part of The University of Texas Year of AI, Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, […]
