Two Guys on Your Head

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April 24, 2014

What’s The Difference Between Shame and Guilt?

By: Rebecca McInroy

When we feel guilt and shame after we’ve done something we know is wrong our heart may pound and we may feel sad, we might want to cry. Physiologically our response to both shame and guilt is the same, but cognitively the way we interpret these two emotions has consequences we may not realize.

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke deconstruct the various dimensions of these two emotions

If we feel shameful after we’ve done something wrong we may want to hide away. We may feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with us and therefore atoning for our bad behavior is not possible.

Moreover, when we don’t feel we don’t have control over our actions and that rather it is our circumstance that “made us do it” we are more likely to repeat our transgression.

Guilt, on the other hand, can be a productive emotion in that when we feel we’ve done something wrong we can make up for it by confessing, apologizing or dealing with the behavior. It is the behavior that is bad but we are not bad people.

Yet there are still fundamental questions about the way we interpret the world through these two lenses.

The 18th century politician and philosopher Edmund Burke stated: “Guilt was never a rational thing; it distorts all the faculties of the human mind, it perverts them, it leaves a man no longer in the free use of his reason, it puts him into confusion.”

Coming up in a Views and Brews this fall we’ll continue to tackle the topic of guilt and shame with Two Guys on Your Head Live. We’ll ask: is there a difference in the way we interpret shame we can hide vs. shame we cannot hide? What happens when we feel guilty but cannot atone? How does shame and guilt relate to morality, reason and the way we process behavior daily?



November 15, 2024

Social Decision-Making

From a very early age, we learn to take cues from our environment as to how we should feel about things; we look to our parents to give us a sense of safety, and we laugh when others laugh. However, in our society today, with everything from laugh tracks to bot-generated likes, assessing the validity […]


November 8, 2024

The Psychology of Uncertainty (Rebroadcast)

When we’re anxious, we have a heightened awareness of negative things in our environment. In contrast, we tend to notice more desirable things when excited. Coupled with the media landscape today, it’s easy to see how emotions can spiral every time you look at your phone. In this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, […]


November 2, 2024

Media and Trust

We evolved to learn how to trust people, but we didn’t evolve in an environment with the Internet and AI, which means that it can be difficult for us to discern fact from fiction quickly. In this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy talk about what this […]


October 25, 2024

Assessing Risk

We’re not great at assessing risk, especially using ratios and percentages, but as Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy ask in this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, does it matter?


October 18, 2024

Base Rate Neglect

Often, when we hear warning reports associated with certain foods or behaviors, we think we understand what is good or bad for us. However, as Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy discuss in this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, base rate neglect, we don’t have a clear understanding of what that means.


October 11, 2024

Time: Audience Q&A

The Texas Science & Natural History Museum hosted a live taping of Two Guys on Your Head, with the whole Two Guys team, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy, to discuss the Psychology of Time. It was a wonderful conversation! In this fourth and final installment of the series, we take questions from the […]


October 4, 2024

Time: Art and Pain

The Texas Science & Natural History Museum hosted a live taping of Two Guys on Your Head, with the whole Two Guys team, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy, to discuss the Psychology of Time. It was a wonderful conversation, and for the next few episodes, we’re bringing you bits and pieces of various […]


September 28, 2024

Time: Perception and Memory

The Texas Science & Natural History Museum hosted a live taping of Two Guys on Your Head, with the whole Two Guys team, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy, to discuss the Psychology of Time. It was a wonderful conversation, and for the next few episodes, we’re bringing you bits and pieces of various […]
