Texas Standard

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July 10, 2024

Tips for insurance and tree care as Texas recovers from Beryl

By: David Brown

More than 1 million Texans are still without power in the wake of Hurricane Beryl’s sweep across Southeast and East Texas. Brent Taylor of the Houston Office of Emergency Management joins with the latest on damage assessments, ongoing outages and the growing concerns about heat.
What do Texans need to keep in mind as they repair and rebuild? More on insurance considerations for those affected, plus guidance on caring for trees after a major storm.
Also: In recent years, Texas has lost more rural hospitals than any other state. Now mobile clinics are rolling out to provide vital medical services where they’re needed most.


August 27, 2024

Preserving the legacy of the Kilgore Rangerettes

Is an investigation by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton protecting the balloting process or an attempt to suppress Latino voters?CenterPoint Energy tries to repair damage to its relationship with customers after many were left without power following Hurricane Beryl.A decade of drone research at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, what does the future hold?Our Texas Museum […]


August 26, 2024

East Texas has a long history of labor disputes you may not know about

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suspended his bid for the White House and appeared with former President Donald Trump to offer his endorsement. What does it mean for the race moving forward? Where does the economy really stand, and what do the presidential candidates’ promises add up to in substance? A top Texas economist does the […]


August 23, 2024

Remembering Johnny Canales’ legacy

Presidential nominee Kamala Harris took the stage for a historic acceptance speech to end the Democratic National Convention, a celebration of unity and momentum unimaginable just a few weeks ago.A new series tracks the impact of one of the biggest transitions in Texas history: from big oil to greener energy.Remembering the impact of legendary TV […]


August 22, 2024

Lawmakers slam Texas Lottery for aiding jackpot scheme, prompting policy change

A new policy blocks transgender Texans from changing the sex on their driver’s licenses, unless it’s to fix a clerical error.The game is up on a Texas lottery loophole that allowed some to buy up tickets en masse, guaranteeing a win. But the door could still be open for abuse.A new poll on presidential politics […]


August 21, 2024

Biden administration bets on Texas Instruments in the chip manufacturing race

Another August day, another forecast for record-setting heat – and plenty of questions about whether the power grid can manage the strain. So far, so good, to the surprise of many who’ve been bracing for calls to conserve electricity. What different about the energy mix this go-round?Texas Instruments recently received a $1.6 billion Department of […]


August 20, 2024

‘The Stadium’ reconsiders the role of our modern arenas

The Democratic National Convention kicked off with an emotional evening and Texans among the featured speakers.A jury found that the parents of the accused gunman in the 2018 Santa Fe High School shooting were not responsible for his actions.Highway lanes are shrinking in Austin. It’s part of national trend – but what does it mean […]


August 19, 2024

What Texas Democrats can look forward to as the DNC kicks off

Texas has the third-largest delegation at the Democratic National Convention. We’ll hear more about the four-day political spectacle getting underway in Chicago and what it could mean for the Lone Star State and the presidential race.Conservative activists, led by the Houston-based group True the Vote, are submitting lists of names to county election officials all […]


August 16, 2024

How Texas is likely undercounting heat-related deaths

Just how dangerous is triple-digit heat in Texas? They say the numbers don’t lie. Last year was the deadliest on record in Texas, but there’s reason to think we don’t know just how bad it really was – or is.As schools begin welcoming students back to class, data shows nearly 1 in 5 will be […]
