Texas Standard: June 29, 2015

With Texas running out of lethal injection doses, an important death penalty decision handed down from the nation’s highest court details today. Friday’s same sex marriage ruling, it’s not it’s not just about the nuptials. From inheritance rights to education we’ll explore some far reaching implications for Texans. Plus, gold plated guns and pet cheetahs–Mexican cartels get into the propaganda game. Also, discovering the future of music in your neighbor’s dining room. Plus actor Jason Schwartzman and much more, on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 26, 2015

A huge moment in US history as the Supreme Court rules the constitution requires states to issue same sex marriage licenses. In a landmark 5-4 decision, same sex marriage becomes the law of the land- but what are the immediate implications in Texas? We’ll be talking with Texans immediately affected by the ruling…and with reporters and analysts who’ve been covering this issue as it relates to the Lone Star State…as well as opponents of gay marriage, some of whom have called for civil disobedience…The big story—and much more just ahead…on the Texas Standard.

Texas Standard: June 25, 2015

Nearly a million Texans will not lose Obamacare subsidies. A dissenting Scalia renames it SCOTUScare. Much more just ahead on the Texas Standard. Also from the supreme court today, what’s being called a major victory for fair housing activists in a case from Texas. We’ll explain. Need a ride? There’s Uber and Lyft…Need some gasoline? A Texas entrepreneur has a plan…we’ll hear about it. With high meat prices, Briskets increasingly on the back burner. Barbecued clod anyone? Texas Monthly’s Barbecue editor joins us to stoke the flames… Plus—what do texans really think of Jade Helm? All that and more…