For many, pandemic times have meant a lot of extra time relying on the Internet — connecting for work, for school, or for various appointments. Many of us have also experienced the frustration of a not-so reliable Internet connection. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
Valentine’s Day (COVID Style)
The pandemic has affected the way we celebrate events and holidays. This Typewriter Rodeo poem imagines what might be possible if the limitations of COVID-19 were not in the way.
Getting Tired Of (Writing Poems About) COVID
The pandemic was never welcome. More than a year in, it has worn on in so many ways — including on those who are tasked with trying to produce art during it. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
What To Do, What To Do
Coronavirus cases are on the rise in almost every part of the country. And even as holidays approach and pandemic fatigue wears on, experts caution it’s best to stay at home as much as possible. So what to do? That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
The Death Of The Handshake
In the age of social distancing, some traditional ways of greeting one another have fallen to the wayside. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
What To Do If You Run Out Of TP
It was one of the first signs that life was going to get strange for a while: toilet paper started flying off the shelves. The supply still doesn’t seem particularly stable. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
‘Working’ From Home
Many Texans are out of work right now. Others continue with what’s deemed essential business. And others still are trying to maintain duties that used to be done in an office — but is now being attempted at home. That third category was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
Texas Cowboy Moves to Montana
by W. F. Strong (adapted from folklore)
I think we’re in need of humor more now than ever before. So I thought I’d share with you this bit of classic Texas folklore. You may well have heard it before and, if you have, I’m sure you won’t mind hearing it again. If you haven’t heard it, well, you’ll have the pleasure of hearing it for the first time. Nothing better than novel humor, providing it’s well told. I’ll do my best.
A Texas Cowboy who had just recently moved to Montana walked into a bar up there and ordered three mugs of draft beer.
He took a seat in the back of the room by himself and commenced to drinking all three beers by taking a sip out of each one in a consistent sequence so that he finished them all at the same time.
Then he walked back up to the bar and asked the barkeep for three more.
Well, the bartender, wanting to be helpful, said, “You know, partner, a mug of beer can go a bit flat fairly soon after it’s drawn. You can buy ‘em three at time, if you like, but I can bring ‘em out to you one at a time to keep ‘em cold, fresh and crisp.”
The Texan replied, “Well, you see, I do it this way because I have two brothers. We were always close until a few months ago when we all, sadly, had to leave Texas for a while because of job transfers. One went to Georgia, the other to, sorry to say, New York. We agreed to always drink as I’m doing now to honor our good times together until we can all get back to Texas. So, I’m drinking one beer for me and two for my brothers.”
The barkeep was touched by the man’s custom and pushed three mugs of beer to him, and said, “This round’s on me.”
The Texan took a liking to the place. Felt like home. He came in there all the time afterwards and always followed his three beer tradition. The regulars became aware of it after a while and admired his unique commemoration. Sometimes bar patrons would even hoist a beer up in his direction and offer a toast. “To the brothers!” they’d say.
One day, the Texan came in and ordered two beers, sat down and began drinking them in turn. Everybody noticed and the bar got quiet, unusually silent.
The bartender felt he should say something so he walked over to the cowboy’s table and said quite sincerely, “I’m sorry about the loss of your brother, truly sorry.”
The cowboy looked confused a minute and then figured out what the bartender was thinking. He laughed and said, “Oh, no, no. Nobody died or nothin’. It’s just, you see, me and my wife joined a really strict church last week and I had to swear off drinkin’.”
Then it was the bartender’s turn to look confused.
The Texan explained, “Well, that didn’t affect my brothers none.”
Love Letter to Scarlett
Two years ago I introduced you to my then 3-year-old daughter, Scarlett. My Valentine.
She was a late arrival in my life and particularly special because I grew up with all boys and had only boys, until she came along. She’s introduced me, for the first time, to the wonderful world of little girls.
Scarlett’s now 5 and I’m 65. She likes the symmetry of that. She tells perfect strangers, at random, “I’m five and he’s 65.”
I’ve taken to telling her that she’s my favorite 5-year-old daughter. She caught on recently and said, “You’re my favorite 65-year-old father.” The tables have turned.
As with all five-year-olds, her humor is maturing. She tells me jokes: “What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk.” She was tutored by Alexa, no doubt.
She’s accidentally funny, too. She asked, “Dada, you go to the university and they just give you money for talking all the time?” Yes. Fairly accurate, actually.
She also asks those Einsteinian questions: “Dada, what would happen if there was no friction in the whole world?” We’d have a happier planet?
Here’s another tough one about grammar: “If mouses are mice how come rats aren’t rice?” “I don’t know,” I tell her. “Go ask your mother.”
That’s my default response for her toughest questions. When she got in the back of our closet and asked, “How do you have Santa’s wrapping paper in your closet?” I said, again, “Ask your mother.”
Sometimes she surprises me with her spontaneous observations. She says, “Did you know that if I put gobs of your shaving cream into slime it makes it slimier?” No, but that’s handy information.
She surprised me also when she asked if I got a splinter when I fell down the steps and broke my leg. I said “no.” She said, “That’s good because those splinters really hurt.”
Like all children her age, she has beautiful daydreams: “Dada, why don’t you get a bicycle with two seats? You can pedal up front and I’ll sit in the back and rest and listen to the birds.”
In her room she has an imaginary restaurant that often has imaginary shortages. I’ll order ice cream and she’ll say, “Oh, sorry, the ice cream machine is broken right now.” Just like real world restaurants.
She’s not so good at keeping secrets. Her mother returned home from Christmas shopping and Scarlett said, immediately, “I helped dada wrap your present. It’s a purple sweater from Dillard’s.”
It reminded me of when she said: “I’m going to give you a surprise birthday party, but don’t tell mama.” I think she forgot who she was not supposed to tell.
It’s been a great year watching her grow up. I told her when she turns 6 we could have her birthday party at Chucky Cheese and she said no. “Chucky Cheese is for little kids. Peter Piper is for big kids.” She already has a keen understanding of demographics.
She’s sadly had to grow in other ways, too. I told her to put her bike away because someone might steal it. “What is steal?” she asked. I hated to bring that concept into her idyllic world.
Mail came for her for the first time. She had never received mail, ever. I asked people to send her letters. She got 15 in one day and this is how she responded. She grabbed all the letters, and with a delightful scream, she ran from the mailbox to the front door saying, “I CAN’T BELIEVE ITTTTTT!!!!” I think she was happy.
Scarlett has been in a romantic mood these last months. She wants her mama and me to get married again so she can be a flower girl in a violet dress. She’s been drawing pictures of how she sees the ceremony with her front and center, directing things. I like that she even gives us advice for a good marriage. She says, “Mama, dada is your husband, and dada, mama is your life.” My life – liked that advice a lot. You’re right Scarlett, mama is my life. And so are you, darlin.’ Happy Valentine’s Day.
Amicable Dissent
Turns out it is hard to change your mind, not to mention biologically expensive. But as Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about in this edition of Two Guys on Your Head there are many reasons we should learn how to do it better and more often.
Summer Electric Bills
The kids may be back in school — but both the calendar and the temperatures still say summer. That was the inspiration of this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
There are many types of advice, some good and others not so good. In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology of giving and taking advice.
A Catalog Of Collections
Have you ever looked at a list of animal group names? Animal scientists clearly had so much fun coming up with them! That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
Texas Roadkill
No matter how careful you are, it can be an inevitability on Texas roads. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
Squirrels Cooling Off By Laying Flat On Concrete
For a moment, you might think there has been an unfortunate accident. But, upon closer inspection, you realize: that critter is not dead — it’s simply trying to cool off in the Texas heat! That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.