
Bishop T.D. Jakes (Ep. 5, 2018)

In Black America producer and host John L. Hanson, Jr. speaks with Bishop T. D. Jakes, Senior Pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, and author of Soar: Build Your Vision From The Ground Up.

What’s It Called? Hyperloop!

Imagine hurtling across Texas in a high-tech, high-speed vehicle. You cold get so much done, or just get there faster, all the while mocking those who are still stuck in highway traffic. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem,

Texas Standard: January 5, 2017

Debris is cleared then more homes are gutted and the streets are filled again. We’ll explore the reality of hurricane cleanup and one city’s message to Washington. Also in Virginia yesterday it was the luck of the draw. But how would a tied election be decided in Texas? Plus, the roadway wonder that saves drivers headaches and gas, is prolific in Texas. Why it hasn’t caught on in most other places. And those who’ve lost everything in a disaster often miss things like photo albums the most. An effort to re-create some of those washed away memories. Those stories plus the Typewriter Rodeo, politics and more, on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 1, 2017

The last man standing from the class of ’84 says goodbye to congress. Is this a start to a sea change in Texas Politics? We’ll have the latest. Also, a bill to authorize the army and navy to take over law enforcement south of the border. An essential step to stop the cartels or a militarization of security in Mexico? We’ll explore. The children’s health insurance program set to shut down for the first time in Texas, why letters may be going out at the first of next week. Plus the week in politics and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 19, 2017

Are republican politicians in Texas paying a price for the scandals surrounding their party leader? We’ll measure the Trump effect. Plus, almost one year away from midterms, a new poll on political attitudes in Texas and the impact of the oval office occupant. And a Mexican governor arrested south of the border, and why the US wants him in the states. Also medical professionals in the military say post traumatic stress is hard to treat. But that may be about to change, we’ll have the latest. And the election is one thing: but is Moscow messin with Texas secession? It appears the answer is da, ya’ll. All those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 11, 2017

Published reports say the US set to decertify the nuclear agreement with Iran. Deal or no deal? And what’s the big deal for Texans? We’ll explore. Also, the question a lot of folks in lubbock and way beyond are asking right now: how could a student get a gun into a Texas Tech police facility? A specialist in law enforcement says that may be the wrong question. Plus despite Republican efforts, it lives: But sign up less than a month away, what should Texans expect? And will the Houston Rockets ever be the sort of team that’ll be talked about like the Lakers or the Celtics? The new owner says that’s the plan. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: August 29, 2017

Across sodden southeast Texas, as the rain keeps fall, rescues continue and shelters begin to overfill. We’ll have comprehensive coverage. Also, as evacuees flow into shelters in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, second-guessing grows over Houston’s decision not to issue evacuation orders. And in northwest Houston, a reverend providing shelter for others finds himself in deep water. As reservoir banks rise, now what? Also, gas shortages begin to take hold further inland, some, from the area where Harvey first made landfall, are returning home. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: August 24, 2017

Harvey threatens the coast of Texas with storm surges and catastrophic flooding. It could bring torrential downpours further inland. A state of emergency preemptively declared in 30 Texas counties, we’ll explore. Plus, an explosive new book investigates the sexual assault scandal at Baylor university. We’ll hear from one of the authors. And it’s move-in week at colleges across Texas: a look at tech to make life easier for freshmen. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: July 20, 2017

An historic selection to head the police force of one Texas’ biggest cities. The changing face of law enforcement- today on the Texas Standard

You’re getting a raise! Now that’s something you’d expect Texas teachers to get behind, right? So why are so many holding their noses over the governor’s plan?

South of the border they’ve been bracing for change under President Donald Trump, but not always in the way you might think. The Mexicans welcoming the shakeup of NAFTA.

The John Birch Society once defined the hard right in America…now they’re back, putting down roots in Texas.

And a teaching tool or just toys? Educators ask questions about augmented books.

Texas Standard: July 7, 2017

Shots fired: a year after a deadly shootout at an otherwise peaceful march in Dallas, how much has healed and where are the scars? We’ll explore. Also many thought the black death the stuff of history books, but the plague is back, and its in west Texas. A CDC researcher tells us why. And back to the future? A Texas city decides the best way to secure elections: a return to the paper ballot. And researchers battle an unexpected problem for solar power, you might think of it as burnout. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 30, 2017

As a judge in San Antonio mulls the legality of a Texas sanctuary law, lawmakers in Washington take action on the federal level, we’ll have the latest. Plus Texas senator Ted Cruz said no to his fellow senate republicans. Now, he’s floating what he calls a compromise on health care. What’s the big idea, we’ll hear about it. Also cuts proposed for Amtrak, coming to a station near you?
And the battle over Keystone XL may not be over yet. This time the roadblocks not protesters but businesses. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 1, 2017

Stuck and frustrated. Several immigrant families are being held in Texas Detention Centers far longer than law allows, we’ll explore. Also, Texas Lawmakers left Austin without making real changes to the state’s barely constitutional school finance system. Coming up: what they did do this session when it comes to education. And a Supreme Court ruling over printer cartridges affects every American consumer. We’ll explain. Plus, did political infighting just leave several Texas agencies in limbo? We’ll hear from an insider. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 19, 2017

A police pension crisis creating big problems in Dallas. Now has a solution that appears to make all sides happy, we’ll explore. Also legislation being pushed by Texas Republicans could benefit Democrats, so why do Dems oppose it? We’ll check it out. And a new music festival in San Antonio that may be the first like it anywhere… how “Good Vibrations” is reaching an otherwise under-served audience. Plus it’s Friday so that means we’ll hear from the Typewriter Rodeo and wrap up the week in Texas Politics. All that and more today on the Standard:

Texas Standard: May 1, 2017

Trees pitched across pastures, trucks tossed about like like toys, and more than 5 thousand homes in the path of monster twisters. We’ll explore the tornadoes of North Texas. Also: reading, writing and reform? Though the courts have called for a transformation in how Texas pays for public schools, the state share continues to shrink. What’s happening and why?
And it’s supposed to level the playing field for women in higher ed, but now more and more men are using Title Nine to defend themselves from allegations of sexual violence. We’ll hear how and why. Plus massive FBI raids in Laredo leave a long string of questions: what are they looking for? Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 11, 2017

A federal judge declares the Texas Voter ID law discriminatory. We’ll explore what this means as a practical matter, and what happens next. Also as Texas celebrates a raft of Pulitzer nods, one of the worlds oldest news organizations launches a new salvo in the war against fake news. We’ll hear all about it. And you’ve heard of one armed bandits, but in south Texas police worry about 8-liners holding up an entire local economy. Plus salad days for storage containers: as grocers look for ways to market veggies fresher than farm grown. For real? All that and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 16, 2017

A tweak to a plan to ban sanctuary cities statewide: one that could make a big difference at the side of the road, we’ll explore. Also jammed 911 lines blamed for two deaths in Dallas: is a cellphone glitch gumming up the whole emergency system? And a regulation aimed at preventing another west, suddenly headed south. What this means for efforts to safeguard chemical plants and the people who live near them. Also a crime problem so bad the city’s police chief says you can’t arrest your way out of this one. We’ll hear the backstory. And the latest effort to curb fake news: is that a robot editing your Facebook feed? All of that and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 2, 2017

A federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction seen as another blow to transgender rights and the Obama administration, we’ll explore today. Also, we’ve heard the warnings from the mayor himself: Dallas could be forced into bankruptcy because of a pension fund meltdown. Now, the mayor’s asking the Texas Rangers to step in. Plus, it’s black Monday for pro football. Why this matters to you, even if you’ve never so much as touched a pigskin. And what do you call a fish found all across Texas that doesn’t swim? Our resident expert calls it a pest. What you can do if you find yourself on the hook. All that and much more coming up on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 14, 2016

The countdown is on- just 5 days left until a new rule takes effect across Texas, and no one’s quite sure how to implement it. The story today on the Texas Standard

Closing in fast on 500: across the border from what was recently called the safest city in the nation, a new surge in killings could shatter records. We’ll hear the backstory…

Also, a wave of resignations and a serious shortage of police in Dallas. This, only months after reports of an avalanche of applications from would be cadets.

And its official, but as Rick Perry prepares to be grilled for a gig as energy secretary, how do his past statements rate on the Truth-o-Meter? All that and much more today on the Texas Standard.

Texas Standard: December 5, 2016

After a phone call from Taiwan and a few tweets from the President-elect, a potential global crisis. A goof, or something more: the story today on the Standard

A pension plan meltdown that could leave Dallas bankrupt. But the rest of us are ok…right? The state controller warns, this could hurt all of Texas. He’ll tell us how and why.

Guess who’s making a massive new investment in drilling in the Gulf of Mexico? Here’s a hint: its initials are B and P.

And the bizarre disappearance of 300 rare blind salamanders from a Federal research center in Texas. Some wonder if they’re part of a black market in exotic animal trafficking. Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard.

Texas Standard: November 22, 2016

Detroit, Stockton, Orange County: all on a list of cities and counties that have declared bankruptcy, could a big one from Texas be next? Plus we’ll have the latest on the ambush-style killing of a San Antonio Police Officer. Also, over the top tweets gotcha down? Facebook giving you the frowns? NPR’s All tech Considered tells us why after the election more and more folks say they’re pulling the plug on social media. Plus a world class symphony playing the blues…what a strike and concert cancellations add up to for the arts, and for the citizens at large. And Exxon fires back over global warming with an unprecedented move. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard: