Song of the Day

Song of the Day > All Episodes

April 28, 2022

Seth Walker: “Remember Me”

By: Jack Anderson

Moving to a new city is hard enough as it is, but to do it in the middle of both a break up and a global pandemic? That’s some serous character building. On the other hand, relocation hasn’t been the biggest challenge for singer-songwriter Seth Walker, who recently left Nashville for Asheville but had spent time in NOLA and Austin as well. Those iconic Southern towns that Walker’s called home have all lent themselves in one way or another to the sense of wanderlust in his passionate, gospel-evocative Americana, even with each new move. But as mentioned before, a combination of heartbreak and isolation deserves just as much credit as the power of movement for Walker’s eleventh studio album, I Hope I Know. The seven originals and three covers (courtesy of Bobby Charles, Bob Dylan, and Van Morrison no less) will lead you on a reverent, rural, and emotional journey when I Hope I Know releases May 20th, the same evening Walker performs at the 04 Center along with Bonnie Bishop. So with hump day behind us and the weekend beckoning, go ahead and take that first step today with Seth Walker’s latest single, “Remember Me”.