Song of the Day

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January 14, 2019

Sean Pawling: “Rio Grande”

By: Jack Anderson

California singer-songwriter Sean Pawling has been enamored with music since he was a boy. He built up his chops on trombone over his formative years and throughout college before taking his multi-instrumental talents to the studio with the 2011 EP Inner Child and 2014 LP Eye for an Eiger.

Now, heavily inspired by his home state’s diverse landscapes and its duplicitous light and dark elements, Pawling is set to release his sophomore full-length Sunsinking, out next Friday. These dozen new tunes feature Pawling’s lush lyrical imagery, heartwarming horn arrangements, and some stabby pop synthesizer to boot, so ford into one of Sunsinking’s lead singles, with “Rio Grande”!

Photo: Mikel Darling