Song of the Day

Song of the Day > All Episodes

August 18, 2023

Queen Serene: “Isengard”

By: Jack Anderson

The “dog days” of summer formally ended last Friday and fall doesn’t officially start until late September…so with consistent triple digit temps determined to become that weekly standard, I can’t be the only Austinite who’s stopped checking the ten-day forecast. But that doesn’t mean we can’t recognize this period typically associated with seasonal transition, which among other things, continues to provide auspicious pivots for singer-guitarist Sarah Ronan.

Ronan’s origins can be traced to Tallahassee a decade back, where she and two of her college chums co-founded an indie garage rock project that evolved into The Naked Tungs. The Naked Tungs found their footing in Austin as a four-piece just before dropping their debut EP Hear It Calls in the summer of 2017 but fizzled out after “Give Me Back My Man” in September 2019. COVID soon saw Ronan quartered away and recording solo in her bedroom, and post-emergence she recruited Naked Tungs’ drummer to supplement these new tunes with percussion and synth. With the subsequent addition of bassist Dale Pohly and guitarist-vocalist Matt Galceran, Sarah Ronan finally ascended the throne as Queen Serene.

Queen Serene shared their inaugural pair of studio singles right around this same time of year back in 2021 and by last fall’s Levitation Fest, the quartet’s shoegaze domain helped them claim a supporting slot for Psychedelic Porn Crumpets. Well now that we’re once again at that seemingly-magic time of year, Her Majesty Serene’s droning, angular monarchy makes another bold appearance.

Sharing its title with the obsidian Tolkein-esque stronghold and complemented by a music video looks like it was shot by Andy Warhol in the heyday of CBGB, “Isengard” goes hard. So ahead of Queen Serene’s single release show 8PM tomorrow night at Hotel Vegas ahead of Holy Wave at 9PM, crank the gain, don the shades, and get to shoegazin’.


March 7, 2025

Redbud: “Pink Pear”

Redbud started as a passion (and let’s be real, therapy) project for Katie Claghorn during the pandemic. Following the release of the group’s debut EP Long Night in 2023, Redbud has been blossoming. At this point, it’s becoming increasingly harder to find people who haven’t heard of Redbud. The group returns with their follow-up album […]


March 6, 2025

Magic City Hippies: “Little Bit of Love” (ft. Antwaun Stanley)

When you go through a break-up the traditional thing to do is to pull in, find solace in your platonic relationships, and try new things. Very new things. Like, perhaps, uprooting yourself clear across the country to make your next album. Magic City Hippies follow tradition with their new album Enemies. In the three years […]


March 5, 2025

J’cuuzi: “How 2 Get Everything You’ve Always Wanted 4 Free (Forever)”[PREMIERE]

Austin’s J’cuuzi are about as avantgarde as you can get. Or as I like to call them pop-vantgarde. They’re too electronic to be post-punk, too post-punk to be considered electronic, and a hair too melodic to be straight noise rock. But it’s hot, wild, and maybe a little dangerous, like a jacuzzi. Their live shows […]


March 4, 2025

Brittany Banowsky: “Two Sunglass Town” (Song Confessional)

If you’ve been paying attention to KUTX the last few years, you’re aware that we have a number of podcasts. One of them is Song Confessional, an effort led by Walker Lukens and Zac Catanzaro where they collect anonymous, wild stories or “confessions” from people then have a musician write a song about the confession. […]


March 3, 2025

Pink Must: “Morphe Sun”

When a project is born from a mutual love of PJ Harvey, you know I’m all in. Pink Must began with this love shared from half a country away, but once Mari Maurice Rubio and Lynn Avery, better known as More Eaze and Iceblink respectively, were both located in Brooklyn, it was game on. As […]


February 28, 2025

Illiterate Light: “Payphone”

The Ohio duo Illiterate Light  have been making music together for a decade: starting from humble pastoral beginnings making music while working on a farm in the Shenandoah Valle, to their latest album Arches, which saw the band splitting time between Ohio and Hollywood’s Sunset Sound, a room formerly graced by Bob Dylan and Paul […]


February 27, 2025

Marlei Dismuke: “Fantasy”

Born in Houston, partially raised in Plano, and now an Austin resident, Marlei Dismuke has been writing and performing music since she started piano lessons at age five. Writing songs for her brothers turned into composing music for family musicals complete with choreography, and eventually truly honing her craft in high school and college, performing […]


February 26, 2025

Anastasia Hera: “Ambitions” (Live in Studio 1A)

Austin’s Anastasia Hera has been blending her brand of rap and R&B for almost fifteen years. In addition to releasing her own solo work, leading her group Anastasia and the Heroes, and putting her mark on various other projects, she’s also the founder of CAKE (Creativity, Abundance, Knowledge, Education), a non-profit empowering and educating women […]
