Song of the Day

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November 15, 2022

Mightmare: “Cruel Liars”

By: Jack Anderson

A few things for the many who love Sarah Shook & The Disarmers…Number one, get in line. Number two, relax. They didn’t break up; they’ve got tour dates starting up again in late January. Number three, and most importantly, you might’ve slept on Shook’s still-sprouting solo project, Mightmare.

In another victory for the queer music conquest, Mightmare puts Shook’s non-traditional identity front and center. As such, Mightmare’s lyrical themes fearlessly tackle accessibility, mental health, societal plagues, and more across a collective unconsciousness of effects-drenched guitar, hard-processed percussion, and Shook’s signature breathy vocal twang.

As their first foray into self-engineering and producing, Shook shared Mightmare’s debut LP Cruel Liars back in mid-October. The candor and comprehensiveness of this 8-track merit an uninterrupted listen in full, no doubt. But if you’re getting a little stir crazy in 2022’s last month and a half (perhaps trying to wrap up a bunch of projects), let Cruel Liars‘ title track put things back into perspective. Penned during a pinnacle of pandemic mania, “Cruel Liars” flips the archetype’s script into a piece of protective, realistic-optimistic encouragement, not to mention a total earworm.


March 12, 2025

Real Sickies: “Should’ve Seen It Coming”

Raucous, infectious, and powerhouse are all words used to describe Real Sickies. Not much of a surprise coming from the band Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong has deemed his “favorite Canadian punk band.” The Edmonton-based band has been known for years for their relentless touring schedules and sublimely noisy sound comparable to everyone from Buzzcocks […]


March 11, 2025

Wes Denzel: “Juice”

The last time we checked-in with Wes Denzel, he was re-releasing his 2023 H-Town love letter Last Night In Houston. And during that time, he was already working on his next record. The San Antonio-based rapper, songwriter, and self-taught producer has spent the last couple of years working on Sorry About Last Night, a five-song […]


March 10, 2025

CLUB: “Sunshine”

Austin’s CLUB COMA are electrifying. Ebbing between dark electro -pop, high-octane rock, and a little bit of funk (sometimes all in the same song), the trio brings the party to the stage. And when you know the members come from Austin groups Ume, Boyfrndz, and Stiletto Feels, your eyes unfocus just enough to see the […]


March 7, 2025

Redbud: “Pink Pear”

Redbud started as a passion (and let’s be real, therapy) project for Katie Claghorn during the pandemic. Following the release of the group’s debut EP Long Night in 2023, Redbud has been blossoming. At this point, it’s becoming increasingly harder to find people who haven’t heard of Redbud. The group returns with their follow-up album […]


March 6, 2025

Magic City Hippies: “Little Bit of Love” (ft. Antwaun Stanley)

When you go through a break-up the traditional thing to do is to pull in, find solace in your platonic relationships, and try new things. Very new things. Like, perhaps, uprooting yourself clear across the country to make your next album. Magic City Hippies follow tradition with their new album Enemies. In the three years […]


March 5, 2025

J’cuuzi: “How 2 Get Everything You’ve Always Wanted 4 Free (Forever)”[PREMIERE]

Austin’s J’cuuzi are about as avantgarde as you can get. Or as I like to call them pop-vantgarde. They’re too electronic to be post-punk, too post-punk to be considered electronic, and a hair too melodic to be straight noise rock. But it’s hot, wild, and maybe a little dangerous, like a jacuzzi. Their live shows […]


March 4, 2025

Brittany Banowsky: “Two Sunglass Town” (Song Confessional)

If you’ve been paying attention to KUTX the last few years, you’re aware that we have a number of podcasts. One of them is Song Confessional, an effort led by Walker Lukens and Zac Catanzaro where they collect anonymous, wild stories or “confessions” from people then have a musician write a song about the confession. […]


March 3, 2025

Pink Must: “Morphe Sun”

When a project is born from a mutual love of PJ Harvey, you know I’m all in. Pink Must began with this love shared from half a country away, but once Mari Maurice Rubio and Lynn Avery, better known as More Eaze and Iceblink respectively, were both located in Brooklyn, it was game on. As […]
