Song of the Day

Song of the Day > All Episodes

October 8, 2020

Kydd Jones: “Skate World”

By: Jack Anderson

If you’re a longtime listener of KUTX then you’re already familiar with Kydd Jones, but in case you’re not, this Austin-based producer-rapper-singer maintains a steady output that navigates across the hip-hop spectrum. You’ll be listening to a track that sounds like early-’00s-era Madvillain one minute and the next you’ll hear one that evokes an aura not unlike modern day Frank Ocean.

Last Friday Kydd Jones launched a social media takeover of performing rights organization BMI, doing so with two new sleek singles from the double A-side Skate World, and even though both the title track and “No Smoke” ring in at just under two minutes, Kydd proves once again that quality supersedes quantity.

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