Song of the Day

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January 31, 2022

Guesthouse: “Mood #1: Red-Violet”

By: Jack Anderson

Though you may not have known him by name, you’ve almost certainly heard multi-instrumentalist Sterling Steffen play around town, be it with Mother Falcon, Sometimes A Legend, The Watters, Wild Child, or even Father John Misty. But outside of his status as a complete savant in the woodwind world, Steffen’s been preparing to unfurl a back catalogue of exotic beats with his solo electronic project – Guesthouse. Guesthouse’seponym came from his cramped Rosedale living quartersalmost a full decade ago, but only now with the additional engineering elbow room of his home’s garage studio has the project begun to take flight. You can expect lots of analog synth, unconventional-but-satisfying rhythms, some fascinating Foley work, and yes – even the occasional saxophone. So show some hospitality to Guesthouse today for the premiere of his driving debut single “Mood #1: Red-Violet”!