Song of the Day

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April 10, 2020

Daniel Fears: “No Substitutions” [PREMIERE]

By: Jack Anderson

Houston-born Daniel Fears first formalized his trombone chops at UT before further refining them at Yale, studying iconic classical composers and extracurricularly exposing himself to timeless acts like Stevie Wonder and contemporaries Emily King, James Blake, and Frank Ocean.

Having flexed his embouchure around the Austin scene the past few years with Ley Line, Wild Child, The Bishops (to name just a few), Fears is finally giving voice to the tunes occupying his headspace with a new self-titled solo project. For his debut album Canopy, Fears has enlisted the help of Grammy Nominee Moses Elias, allowing the vocalist to go all in during the studio sessions. Canopy is out in mid-May but today Daniel Fears has given us a glimpse with an exemplary precursor and standalone R&B single, setting the bar for Fears’ smooth singing and ear for undying grooves, “No Substitutions”!

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