Song of the Day

Song of the Day > All Episodes

December 1, 2020

Angus1: “Bound” (feat. Elizabeth M Drummond)

By: Jack Anderson

Unlike his similarly named Aussie counterpart Angus Young, Sydney producer-songwriter Angus1 opts for a different kind of electric energy, ditching the distortion and duckwalk in favor of slick, futuristic indie electronica. But just like the cut of beef, Angus1’s arrangements come packed with flavor, making listeners salivate for seconds and thirds.

Angus1’s only been at it for a bit over a year now, but with each single his skill seems to have grown stronger and stronger. On his final single of 2020, Angus1 relinquished his typical spot as lead vocalist to give former Little May singer Elizabeth M Drummond the spotlight, making “Bound” a track that’ll replace your current earworms in no time.


August 26, 2024

Anna May: “The Show”

As much as we admire an intricate arrangement and a progressive song structure, not every tune needs to tout itself as a pocket symphony. I mean, we’ve already got one “Bohemian Rhapsody”, right? So while house and hip-hop may spring to mind when thinking about repetition, there’s an intrinsic simplicity to other styles of songwriting […]


August 23, 2024

Madison Baker: “WANNABE”

It’s New Music Friday. It’s time to pump some fresh life into your playlists so let’s get straight to it; there’s new stuff from an awesome Austinite and a Howdy Gals-presented release show this weekend to boot. Both of which you might’ve already caught wind of through yesterday’s Austin Music Minute. Yep, it’s Madison Baker, […]


August 22, 2024

TIGERS EYE: “All We Ever Know”

Earlier this year we helped introduce the world to Austin’s TIGERS EYE and today we’re keeping the marble rolling with their latest. To recap, this Austin four-piece is the passion project of frontman Jeremy Baker, an ex-pat of California’s Cydeways and a recent transplant. TIGERS EYE only made their streaming debut this past March, but […]


August 21, 2024

BOOHER: “All Out Of Ideas”

You find an act in town. You fall in love with their music. You start making regular appearances at their shows. And then, sometimes seemingly out of the blue…they quit giggin’. Most of us have been there; it’s more or less a rite of passage for any dedicated scenester. But when that act does make […]


August 20, 2024

Magdalena Bay: “Image”

Buenos Aires. Miami. Los Angeles. All three coastal (or with the latter at least coast-adjacent) metropolises that perfectly embody the breezy, night drive-friendly feel of synth-pop. But no matter where contributions to that style get made, once they’re unleashed, they enter the subconscious for world’s internal ’80s-inspired electronic score, whether you’re attempting to court a […]


August 19, 2024

Big Bill: “Hawk” / “Trick Everybody” (Live at Mohawk)

Over the past three weeks you’ve heard plenty about our August 2024 Artist of the Month Big Bill. But be honest…have you seen them live yet? Because despite the quality of their studio recordings, the real magic happens once Big Bill sets foot onstage to a packed house. Fortunately for those who haven’t yet witnessed […]


August 16, 2024

Gracky: “Up All Night”

Folk music fosters some of the most wholesome creators. And when you look past the transplant apathy that’s rampant within our city limits, you’re usually reminded of that greater Lone Star State trait: kindness to strangers. So naturally, Texas folk musicians are some of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. Perfect example? Grace Roberson, who […]


August 15, 2024

J Halp: “You Let Me Down”

Song quality is rarely measured in runtime; as long as it “hits”, there’s no need to wear out your welcome. Like for every “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” there’s a “Song 2” or a “Disciples”, right? Because when you’ve done everything you need to do to make a tune total, and as long as a quick dose of dopamine […]
