Song Confessional

Song Confessional > All Episodes

July 10, 2024

Confession & Song: Babe Club – “WiFi Boyfriend”

By: Walker Lukens and Zac Catanzaro

WOP BOP A LOO BOP A LOP BOM BOM! We have a new song “WiFi Boyfriend” courtesy of Charleston, South Carolina’s finest purveyors of indie pop, Babe Club. “WiFi Boyfriend” hits as sweetly as the confession that inspired it — a teenager just about to meet their internet boyfriend for the first IRL. Get yr ovaltine. Get yr slippers. Get right with God. This episode will have you deep in your teenage feels.

This confession was taken at the Artsplosure Festival in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Got a story you want to confess and maybe have it turned into a song? Join the Song Confessional mailing list to stay up to date on all of our latest episode, news, and the whereabouts of our confessional booth:

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May 15, 2024

Confession Response #3

GOOD GOLLY! we asked and we received TWENTY FIVE SONG SUBMISSIONS!! In this episode, you’ll hear new songs by Chris Robeson, Con Davison, We Sell Shirts, Brittany Banowsky, and Bu Gee, as well as clips from several more. You can hear all 25 songs on a playlist we made for you to listen to all […]


April 24, 2024

Confession Call #3

Do you write songs? If you do, we want you to write a song based on the confession in this episode!! If we love it, it may become the KUTX Song of the Day. Here’s how it works: Plus the Song Confessional Team will choose their favorite song and give the winner a day in […]


April 17, 2024

Artist Interview: Pigeon John – “Time to Move Out”

HOLY MOLY! WE’RE RE-AIRING OUR INTERVIEW WITH PiGeOn JoHn from last year. We highly recommend checking out our previous episode featuring PJ’s song “Time To Move Out” as well as last year’s episode about “Dibs On Trevor” before diving into this interview. Got a story you want to confess and maybe have it turned into […]


April 3, 2024

Confession & Song: Pigeon John – “Time to Move Out”

GREAT SCOTT! Pigeon John hath blessed part one of our 3RD EPISODE with a nouveau song called “it’s time to move out”! inspired by one woman’s desire to kick her grown son out of her house, Pigeon John uses ragtime piano, dreamy strings, and percussion loops to turn mama’s infaticidal (ok maybe that’s a stretch) […]


March 20, 2024

Artist Interview: Buffalo Hunt – “Anonymous Pleasure”

FEAST YOUR EYE EARS ON PART TWO of our episode featuring Texan songbird actor director person, Buffalo Hunt. We highly recommend listening to the confession and song in PART ONE before Stephanie Hunts recounts how she transformed this raunchy boomer memory into such a sultry modern bop in our interview. Big thanks to Visit Austin and […]


March 6, 2024

Confession & Song: Buffalo Hunt – “Anonymous Pleasure”

GOODNESS GRACIOUS THE SECOND SONG OF OUR 3rd PODCAST SZN IS HERE!! “Anonymous Pleasure” was written by Texan songstress, actress, person, and place, Buffalo Hunt AKA Stephanie Hunt, and inspired by the true real life confession of an older Australian woman. Get your bath salts & licorice sticks warmed for this one, y’all. It’s steamy. […]


February 21, 2024

Artist Interview: Wood Belly – “Late Bloomer”

BEHOLD PART TWO of our episode featuring  Colorado “new grass” experts, Wood Belly!! We highly recommend listening to the confession and song in PART ONE before Wood Belly singer Brennan Mackey tells us all about his life got flipped, turned upside down and, if you’d like to take a minute to just sit right there, tell […]


February 7, 2024

Confession & Song: Wood Belly – “Late Bloomer”

Colorado “new grass” aficionados, Wood Belly, turn our confessor’s low key embarrassing first romantic encounter into high key folk pop delight in OUR FIRST EPISODE OF OUR THIRD FULL SEASON. HuZzAH!!! In this here part 1, you’ll hear the song and confession, and Zac talk about meeting his wife. In part 2, you’ll hear Wood […]
