

January 18, 2018

Why Was I-35 Designed As A Double-Decker Through Central Austin?


By: Matt Largey

Interstate Highway 35 is many things to many people. It is a vital thoroughfare for commerce and shipping. It is also an economic and social barrier through much of Austin. And nearly from its construction, it has been a source of frustration for drivers stuck in its traffic. I-35 has inspired a number of questions and even legends about its design and those who made it.

Read more here.

January 9, 2018

Who Started Decorating The Loop 360 Christmas Trees? 🎄


By: Matt Largey

People have strong opinions about the custom. Some say it’s a heartwarming expression of holiday spirit; others consider it a flagrant violation of Texas’ anti-littering laws. But one thing no one really knows is how the tradition got started.

See more here.