Austin Music Minute

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July 16, 2021

Your Best Nightmare (Band)

By: Laurie Gallardo

Despite the slightly ominous title of the forthcoming Music Is Dead, Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band clearly proves otherwise with an astoundingly mind-blowing collection of badassery all created during quarantine. Yes, it is that great. Check out today’s AMM track selection, the marvelous tapestry that is “Gregorian Chance” – just a sample of the vastness and brilliance to lose yourself in when it hits the ears.

The new music drops September 24 via Castle Face Records. Meanwhile, get that dose of Noland Potter’s Nightmare Band at their residency show tonight, Friday July 16, at The Far Out Lounge and Stage, 8504 S. Congress Ave. They share the bill with Batty Junior and The Stacks, complete with an incredible light show by Astral Violet. Doors open at 8 p.m., and the music starts at 9.