Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

November 17, 2020

World Wide At Home

By: Laurie Gallardo

It’s epic. It’s gargantuan. It’s a world tour of grand proportions – all taking place in Austin. No van or airplane required.

Songwriter, X-cofounder and resident badass John Doe put together an awesome series of livestream sets that will broadcast from three iconic Austin music venues. Welcome to your front row seat for John Doe’s Travis County World Tour, kicking off with Fan Favorites this Thursday, November 19, from C-Boy’s Heart & Soul, most likely including some of your favorite X tracks.

Up next is Lotsa New Songs, quite possibly with new X tunes and solo goodies, Wednesday December 16, streaming from Arlyn Studios. Then the third livestream is an All Request Live show, Wednesday January 20, from a venue near and dear to those of us at KUTX, the Cactus Café.

Each livestream begins at 8 p.m. (Central), and ticket info can be found at John Doe’s website. So good.

-Photo by Michael Minasi for KUTX.