Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

September 14, 2020


By: Laurie Gallardo

The rasp in those vocals comes from a soul that’s been there, done that, and has the figurative – and maybe literal – scars to prove it. You hear that vulnerable strain as our narrator gingerly picks up the shattered pieces, in hopes of putting something back together again. Maybe even for just one night…

Sensitive hearts abound on Westward, the latest solo release by Jonathan Terrell. And, though country may be at the core, there’s an essence to this LP that shimmers and sizzles like a rock star.

The Terrell Barrel (inside joke, you had to be there) happens to be the next featured artist on one of your Austin Music Minute host’s favorite livestream series, Bud’s Live and Direct. See Terrell perform at 7:05 p.m. (Central) Friday, September 18, on Bud’s Recording Studio Facebook Live and YouTube channel.

-Photo courtesy of the artist.