That eternal question lingers in the air. Where does the time go? And here is UTOPIA Fest eleven years later, as strong and solid as ever, built by individuals madly in love with the music and, very importantly, the people that bring it to life.
UTOPIA founder Travis Sutherland, along with a mad-talented creative crew consisting of Wayne Dalchau, and Onion Creek Productions badasses Aaron Brown and Jamie Brown, have been to hell and back carefully shaping this family-friendly experience, named in honor of its original location in Utopia, TX. This year’s event is another music festival standout: Attendance is capped at 2,000 to keep things as uncrowded as possible (sounds like heaven to your AMM host, frankly); camping is free of charge; and one is able to see every performing artist without another performance overlapping. The Arrowhead and Cypress stages on site have all been scheduled accordingly, so attendees can see all of the bands.
All of them, without having to choose one over the other, thank you very much.
All the magic happens at Reveille Peak Ranch, 105 CR 114, in Burnet, TX. After kicking things off this afternoon, UTOPIA Fest continues tonight with sets by Sir Woman, Whiskey Shivers and Mamafesta, plus a grand display with a guaranteed sick line-up brought to you by the UTOPIA Players at 10:30 p.m., and late night sets by Matthew Logan Vasquez, Whiskey Shivers and Jenny Parrot, into the wee hours of the morn. Tomorrow afternoon, you can catch Garrett T. Capps (featured on today’s AMM), and The Deer.
Check UTOPIA Fest’s website for more details, and be listening for more UTOPIA Fest 2019 picks from the Austin Music Minute.
-Image courtesy of UTOPIA Fest.