Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

August 17, 2020

The Lonesome Lounge

By: Laurie Gallardo

Extraordinary occasions call for extraordinary people. Your Austin Music Minute maven has just the person for you.

Garrett T. Capps is not your ordinary vaquero. The San Antonio-based music artist is bounding beyond genre lines from cosmic country into otherworldly Americana territory with his LP All Right, All Night, then leaping into fiery rock riffs on the seven-track EP TALKIN’ BOUT LUV. All Capps. (See what I did there?? All Capps? Okay.)

Great performer, great songwriter, lover of great sandwiches. He tweets about the sandwiches. And usually, you’d find Capps performing at, and booking shows for, St. Mary St.’s honky-tonk hang The Lonesome Rose.

Then stupid COVID-19 has to come along and put live shows to a halt. Boo for that. However, Capps is playing host to a new live stream series, The Lonesome Lounge: Local Sessions, presented by Texas Public Radio. The first guest for the bi-weekly series is none other than “El Chief,” Santiago Jimenez, Jr. Catch the show at 7 p.m. Central tonight, Monday August 17, on Facebook Live.

And, as Capps loves to say, ¡VIVA!

-Photo of Garrett T. Capps courtesy of the artist.