All your bases covered in a single weekend, buddy – and new music to boot. Whaaaat?!
Your Austin Music Minute host is proud to present the madness of Mayeux and Broussard, in all their blazing glory, with two new tracks: “I Never Knew Lonely,” with vocals by Brian Broussard, and “Get Back,” with Tate Mayeux on the mic. Snippets of both are on today’s AMM, both are ruling, and you’ll get to check it all out when Broussard plays a solo set Saturday (April 11th) at 11 a.m., and Mayeux does a set Sunday (April 12th) at 8 p.m., on Revelator Coffee Company‘s Facebook Live and Instagram.
The new songs’ official release is April 24th. Get you some.
-Photography by Gloria Goode.