Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

August 8, 2019

Solid Gold

By: Laurie Gallardo

Perhaps your humble Austin Music Minute host missed out on an announcement, or just plain skipped the details. Then again, it would be just like Mike Harmeier to keep things on the down-low and concentrate instead on the work at hand, with no bragging and little fanfare.

Harmeier and his band The Moonpies created their beautiful, stunning LP, Cheap Silver and Solid Country Gold, within the hallowed walls of Abbey Road Studios – the one and only Abbey Road, baby – with some assistance from the world-renown London Symphony Orchestra. The first listen will leave you completely blown away, proving once again that Mike & The Moonpies move above and beyond any confines of a dancehall country outfit, with a constantly-evolving sound that’s simultaneously classic and fresh. “”Every time we’ve taken a step forward, it’s a result of us refusing to become stagnant,” Harmeier says. “…Ten years into our career, we’re still finding our voice…and we’re realizing that maybe it’s not one voice, but a collection of voices.”

Hear the latest from Mike & The Moonpies at their release show tonight at the Mohawk, 912 Red River, on the outside stage. It’s another great line-up featuring Western Youth and Altamesa. The show gets going at 8 p.m. On the inside stage, catch Ego Deaf, The Big Fix and the mighty T. Englert, starting after 9 p.m.

All of this is so damn good. So recommended.

-Photo courtesy of the artist.