In the wake of so much pain, Grammy Award-winning band La Santa Cecilia expresses one overarching wish for all: They want to see you happy. And who better for lead vocalist La Marisoul to sing the title track of Quiero Verte Feliz with than one of the most unique and influential voices in the world, Lila Downs? Everything is collapsing around you, but taking that sacred moment to pause is crucial to the healing: “El mundo se ahoga en un mar de injusticia / Yo necesito parar y sentir / El olor de la hierba y las flores / Quiero bailar, quiero echarme a reír…”
La Santa Cecilia presents a bold musical hybrid of bicultural experiences. Taking their name from the patron saint of music, they combine Latin American musical influences and their Mexican heritage for their own unique take on modern music. And, if you haven’t heard by now, La Marisoul’s voice is a show-stopper. Don’t miss their performance tomorrow night, Thursday May 11, at the Parish. Mexico City-based songwriter Maya Burns opens. Doors at 7 p.m.