Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

November 19, 2020


By: Laurie Gallardo

Following the release of last year’s self-titled four-song rocker, and singles “I’m So Free,” “Remember” and dreamy-dreamtime seafoamy “Little Oceans” (featured on today’s AMM) Hong Kong Wigs is ready to launch their debut LP LOIS into the world, via Spaceflight Records. Time for a release party – and they’re bringing it virtual-style.

Hong Kong Wigs plays the newest tunes on a livestream show, kicking off  at 6 p.m. (Central) tomorrow night, Friday November 20, on Bud’s Live and Direct. Bud’s Recording has a YouTube channel you can see the show on, or check it out on Facebook Live.

-Album cover for LOIS; Photography by Travis Lilley.