Austin Music Minute

Austin Music Minute > All Episodes

December 13, 2022

Lie To Me

By: Laurie Gallardo

There are “the before-times,” and…everything occurring after the pandemic started, often denoting significant change. So in this case, it’s shifting gears in songwriting. As mentioned earlier this month on KUTX’s Song of the Day, Nick Adamo had been poised to run with some major surf-rock vibes before everything abruptly shut down. Three years was plenty of time for Adamo to reassess and return with the superlative and orchestral “Lie To Me,” featuring an entire crew of AMM faves – vocalist Aubrey Hays, pedal steel player Zack Wiggs, and composer Charlie Magnone contributing with strings courtesy of the Austin Symphony Orchestra.

Don’t miss Nick Adamo tomorrow night, Wednesday Dec. 14, at The Saxon Pub, 1320 S. Lamar Blvd., starting at 10 p.m. Songwriter Walt Wilkins plays at 8 p.m., and the mayhem-causin’ sidemen The Drakes do an early set at 6 p.m.