Welcome to a double dose of Mamahawk on KUTX – not that you’ll mind in the least. Today’s AMM puts the spotlight on their single “Walk In the Fire,” as cool and invitingly pop/yacht rocky as the vibe off 2019’s Brain Invaderz!. And there’s today’s KUTX Song of the Day with their newest track “Fighter Jet,” more down tempo but plenty of rocket fuel in this jazz-prog burner. Both tunes will be on Mamahawk’s forthcoming LP, and chances are pretty good you’ll hear the new music and even get your Brain Invaderz! fix at Mamahawk’s show tomorrow night, Friday Sept. 1, at Sagebrush. An excellent bill starring magnificence personified, Aubrey Hays, and purveyor of powerfolk, good ol’ Sammy G. The line-up rules, the music is gorgeous, and it all starts at 10 p.m. Go for it.
August 31, 2023