About a decade or so had passed since Mélat‘s last release, but the breathtaking “The Lesson” melts that time away. Her voice nails every layer of vulnerability that the Austin-based R&B artist writes from. Even in the first moments of the song, your knees buckle: “I don’t even know why I wanna stay / When there’s a million reasons to walk away…”
Put Mélat on your list of artists to watch, because more is on the way. And this week, she is doing her first residency show – ever – at C-Boy’s Heart and Soul, 2008 S. Congress Ave. Mélat performs there tonight, Thursday Sept. 9, and every Thursday throughout this month, at 7:45 p.m. This evening’s show includes a set by THEBROSFRESH at 10 p.m., and Cookie & Friends at midnight. This is an indoor show; please remember to bring your mask.