
Texas Standard: February 15, 2022

As early voters begin to cast primary ballots, Black Voters Matter activists draw attention to what they call a crisis of voter suppression. Also a snapshot of political sentiment as voters prepared to pick nominees for statewide offices. The results of a new UT-Texas Politics Project poll. And student journalists report firsthand on the effects of the pandemic on Young Americans. Plus a homecoming of sorts for one of Texas’ best known rock and roll exports. Our conversation with Spoon frontman Britt Daniel on his band’s new release. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 8, 2022

As primaries approach, an effort to unseat incumbent Texas democrats, led by democrats. Who’s in the political crosshairs and why? We’ll explore. Also, what happens to oil wells that are no longer productive? Concerns grow about the environmental impact of abandoned production sites, now millions coming to Texas for cleanup. And how cyberattacks on small Texas towns have rewritten the rules of engagement for Russian hackers. Plus fresh allegations that pro football intentionally sidelines Black coaches. Former NFL coach Daron Roberts of UT-Austin’s Center for Sports Leadership and Innovation with a close up. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 3, 2022

Winter Storm Landon wreaking havoc across Texas. We’ll be checking in with Dallas, Lubbock, Midland, Austin and more as we track the effects of what has been described as the first big test of the state’s power grid since last year’s winter storm that left millions in the dark. Also Mose Buchele, who’s been tracking the power grid and changes to the power infrastructure since last years deadly storm, brings us the latest on where we stand with blackouts and electricity supply and demand. All that and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 2, 2022

With a winter storm warning set for much of the state, and the memories of last February still fresh, Texans brace for what’s coming. Also, vaccinations for the very young? A Texas-based expert on vaccine trials underway and what parents and caretakers  should know. Plus, across Texas, a record number of books being banned from Public school libraries; why the push right now and who’s pushing back. These stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 1, 2022

This year’s first test of the state’s power grid; what to do to prepare for wintry weather on the way. Also, the Texas politician who apparently has his eyes on a 2024 presidential bid…if Donald Trump isn’t running, that is. Plus, what to look for in the upcoming primaries. These stories and more, today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 31, 2022

On this final day to register to vote in the primary, a new survey offers a sneak peek on who’s ahead in what races and why. A pandemic, a statewide power outage, a walkout at the capitol over voting restrictions. In 2022, how much is set to change in Texas politics? A new poll by the University of Houston Hobby School suggests less than some might imagine. We’ll hear more. Also, in a decision celebrated by environmentalists, rights to drill for oil in the gulf wiped out by a federal judge. We’ll hear about what could be long term ripple effects. And a growing problem for Texas pitmasters: where’s the wood? Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard :

Texas Standard: January 28, 2022

How did a British foreign National on a security watch list obtain the gun used in the North Texas synagogue attack? The FBI says it has arrested the person who supplied the gun used by the hostage taker in the attack on a Colleyville synagogue two weeks ago. But many questions remain. We’ll have the latest. Also- a federal judge puts the brakes on planned strike by BNSF Railway workers. We’ll look at the implications and what comes next. And as more Texans seek COVID-19 tests, more scammers crop up taking money and personal information. A San Antonio health official on how to spot COVID-19 test scams. Plus the week in politics and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 27, 2022

With news of Stephen Breyer’s retirement, a Texas legal scholar offers an inside look at who might be on President Biden’s short list for the supreme court. Also, a new commodity for Texas farmers and ranchers that could help save the world; why so few are currently buying in. Plus, Omar Gallaga with some choice words about the Wordle craze. These stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 26, 2022

Who’ll take the place of Eddie Bernice Johnson? Why the race for Texas’ 30th congressional seat is one to watch as primary season closes in. Also, amid growing concerns about police traffic stops turning confrontational, and sometimes deadly, a Texas town tries a different approach: tickets via text message. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard.

Texas Standard: January 17, 2022

A hostage situation at a synagogue in North Texas ends with the hostages safe, the assailant dead and many questions remaining. We’ll have more on the attack at a Colleyville synagogue. Also, On this King Day 2022, federal voting rights legislation, largely sparked by changes in Texas and other Republican led states, hits a major obstacle. We’ll have details. Plus national guard troops deployed by the governor to the southern border say their requests for hardship relief being rejected. And many blame politics. We’ll hear why. Also The Standards Laura Rice with the Texas nexus at this years Sundance film festival and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 14, 2022

School districts are buckling under the current pressures of the pandemic. The leader of a Texas teacher’s organization asks, where’s the state in all this? Some districts are shutting down others are asking parents to fill in. We want to hear from you about the current challenges for schools. Also, Governor Greg Abbott’s border enforcement program violates the constitution. That was the ruling yesterday. We’ll look at where it goes from here. And Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton must turn over records related to his time in Washington last January 6th. We’ll get into the exceptional details. Plus, going back in time to 1883 and the depiction of a family’s journey west across Texas. Our interview with one of TV’s rising stars. That and more on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 13, 2022

Harris County is once again at its highest COVID-19 threat level. We’re talking to County Judge Lina Hidalgo about why and what she wants the community to know. Also with high COVID-19 positivity rates across the state, many Texans are desperate for tests. How to make sure the at-home variety give you the most accurate results. Meanwhile, at a time when hospital systems are overwhelmed, one is facing a potential financial crisis that could shut it down. We’ll look at why. And we’ll introduce you to a folk rock duo that describes their sound as “Southern and Garfunkel.” All that and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 12, 2022

For the first time ever the Red Cross declares a national blood crisis. We’ll look at what that is and what is needed from Texans. Also: masks, social distancing, vaccinations, booster shots, now pills have been added to the COVID-19 fighting arsenal, though many Texans may not have heard about this development or know who’s eligible. We’ll get some answers. Plus Texas’ Rice University among a group of prestigious private institutions of higher learning being sued over financial aid practices. And a new push to compensate Texans unwittingly affected by nuclear testing dating back to the cold war era. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 11, 2022

Kids sleeping in state office buildings, motels and other unlicensed facilities. A panel of experts on needed changes to foster care. We’ll have more on the recommendations of an expert panel examining trouble in Texas’ foster care system. Also, a lack of Democrats on the primary ballot is raising eyebrows and questions even in one of Texas more conservative cities. Plus, you protect your social security number so why aren’t many Texas county clerks doing the same? And Texas used car buyers fasten your seatbelts, crazy prices may be headed for a bump in the road. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 10, 2022

As the Omicron variant continues to feed a spike in COVID-19 cases in Texas, the Supreme Court hears arguments against vaccine mandates. We’ll have more on how the high court might be moving on vaccine mandates for large businesses and many health care providers. Meanwhile, Texas restaurants asking the state for millions of dollars to help them make it through the pandemic. Also, another round in the legal battle against SB8, the recently passed abortion restrictions in Texas. We’ll have the latest. And Texas to be home to the nation’s new biotech triangle. A major development or mostly marketing? Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 7, 2022

As hospitals struggle to deal with rising COVID-19 caseloads amid an Omicron surge, what about long term care facilities in TX? We’ll have the latest. Also, almost 20% of Dallas firefighters are out sick with COVID-19. We’ll look at how the city’s trying to deal with staffing shortages. And Governor Abbott taking bipartisan heat over suicides, and low morale among National Guard troops at the border. We’ll hear more. Plus a Texas expert on communication and rhetoric revisits President Biden’s speech marking the one year anniversary of the capitol insurrection. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 5, 2022

As COVID-19 cases bring hospital ICU’s to capacity statewide, FEMA now saying help is on the way. But will it be enough? Today, our conversation with Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley on the challenges they face during this latest spike in cases. Also, Governor Abbott announces another lawsuit against the Biden Administration, this time over vaccination mandates for Texas National Guard troops. Plus a new years cold snap, a plunge in energy production, and a huge release of pollutants. What an incident last weekend tells us about Texas’ energy industry and readiness for the next freeze. Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 4, 2022

As Texas students return to a post holiday footing some are finding it’s not ‘back to the classroom’ just yet. The latest pandemic spike punching holes in back to school plans. We’ll talk with a panel of education reporters with the latest from across Texas. Also, beef prices skyrocketing, but that money’s not making it back to Texas cattle ranchers. Now the Biden Administration’s stepping in: what Texas rancher’s have to say about the Feds’ new plan. And a new Texas law takes effect trying to put renters on an even footing with homebuyers when it comes to knowing if you live in a floodplain. All those stories and more today on the Texas Standard.

Texas Standard: January 3, 2022

With schools statewide returning to classes and Omicron cases rising, many Texans are asking: now what? Some answers from a doctor today on the Texas Standard.
Other stories we’re tracking- the US Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments this week over Biden Administration vaccination mandates. We’ll have the latest. Also, the 5th Circuit is set to hear arguments in another challenge to SB8- the state’s new abortion restrictions.
Earthquakes spark an order from state officials affecting fracking in the Midland area.
And, you’ve seen the bumper sticker “Don’t California my Texas”? Why some in South Texas are now saying don’t “Austin-ify our Brownsville”. Those stories and more.

Texas Standard: December 29, 2021

Peak air travel meets pandemic spike. With delays, cancellations and hassles for holiday flyers…but wait: there’s more. As bad as the holiday season’s been for air travelers, the turbulence could last a good while for the airline industry in Texas and beyond. We’ll hear more. Also, not so solitary confinement: inmates at one of Texas’ most notorious prisons rig their own radio station to find escape, with the blessings of the warden. Plus long before broadband, the isolated but ingenious rural Texans who found ways to hack the system and stay in touch. Commentator W.F. Strong with that story and more today on the Texas Standard: