The Ohio State University attack and the Texas connection: does the incident underscore concerns about refugee resettlement? We’ll explore. Also to alert Ohio State students yesterday, administrators sent out a message on social media: run hide fight. A phrase that may turn out to be a 21st century version of duck and cover, which has its origins in Houston. And a Texas elector defects, saying its his moral and civic duty not to vote for Donald Trump. We’ll hear his explanation. And the true costs of coaching-did Charlie Strong lose his job over what happened on the gridiron, or something else? The bottom line and then some today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 10, 2016
Is governor Perry going to Washington after all? Why the president elect may be looking to Texas to fill some top jobs, we’ll explore. Also, a prominent congressman from Texas tells us the Senate should kill the filibuster. Not that there’s no precedent for such a rule change, as Senate democrats may recall. Plus Wendy Davis tells us this week’s vote stands for something perhaps less obvious: the need for a new focus on education. We’ll hear her explanation and the potential for a democrat challenge to Ted Cruz in 2018. And tips for your weekend getaway, how to eat tacos and write about them too and much more, today on the Texas Standard:
Highways are supposed to let us get around local traffic, across town or to the next big city quickly. But anyone who has lived in Texas for more than a week knows that there’s one exception to the rule: Interstate 35. Locals who live along the highway itself avoid it on their daily commutes. Long-distance travelers will drive an extra two hours on backroads just to ensure they won’t have to use it. But sometimes you just have to, sometimes there’s no choice, sometimes you sigh and say, “Let’s try I-35.”
Texas Standard: September 15, 2016
Remember that Washington Post poll that put Clinton ahead by one in Texas? New numbers suggest that may not be too far off the mark. More on the Texas Lyceum poll, with a new snapshot of Texas voters as we enter the home stretch. Also, in the wake of a report that the state’s limiting access to special education programs, there’s this: plans for cuts in a state program that helps kids with developmental issues. Plus, a doctors shortage in Texas and an aging cohort of baby boomers. Now what? Experts say its time to get creative. We’ll hear one prescription. And the future of law enforcement: robocops? May be more real than you think. All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:
It’s July, and everyone is in the midst of pool parties, fireworks and cookouts. But that also means August is around the corner, so it’s time to squeeze every bit of fun out of the season. That feeling inspired Typewriter Rodeo’s Jodi Egerton to write this week’s poem.
Texas Highways
Everything’s bigger in Texas, including our highways. Summer is on its way and that means planning a road trip across one of these concrete titans. That was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s David Fruchter as he wrote this week’s poem.
Texas Standard: May 5th, 2015
The plaintiff: a US army Captain. The defendant: president Barack Obama. The claim? That the war against Isis is illegal. We’ll explore. Also, how safe is your drinking water? A warning for pregnant women, especially those who live in rural parts of Texas. And if you’ve been the victim of a crime, you may have some money coming to ya. Though in Texas you may have to go hunt it down…why the state is sitting on millions of dollars in unclaimed restitution money. Plus some pre weekend tips for a quick Texas getaway. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Road Trip!
Millions of Texans are hitting the roads this weekend for Memorial Day. Soon, it’ll be time for the Texas road trip – you know, where you drive ten hours and are STILL in Texas! That was the inspiration for this week’s Typewriter Rodeo poem by Sean Petrie.