
Texas Standard: June 22, 2017

The US senate lays out a vision to repeal the affordable care act. The upshot: a major revision to a half-century old safety net. We’ll explore what it means for Texans. Plus, though it was promised as a top to bottom rework of the House plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, the senate version is very similar, we’ll take a closer look. And should north Korea be on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism? We’ll talk with the Texas congressman leading a push to turn up the heat on Pyongyang. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 15, 2017

A border democrat meets President Trump in a one on one over dinner. Any questions? Congressman Vicente Gonzales joins us. Also a Texas GOP congressman calls for colleagues and everyday Americans to reset the tone control after yesterday’s shooting in Virginia. We’ll explore why that seems so hard to do. And a southern food writer calls out the lone star state for the tyranny of its brisket. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 8, 2017

Comey over everything. Texans glued to their radios and TVs as the former FBI director appears before senate investigators. We’ll take a look at reaction and more. Also, in the style of William Travis, a Texas mayor makes not-so-tongue in cheek plea, a call for people of good will to come to the defense of his city. Is he serious? You bet. And it’s all because of a new state law. We’ll hear about it. Also Harris county opening the jailhouse doors for scores of inmates–by court order. The county files an emergency appeal to the supreme court. We’ll have the latest. Also, the shopping habits of millennials drive a revolution in retail. It’s not just where and what they’re buying…but what they aren’t. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 5, 2017

After another terrorist attack in Britain, middle eastern nations take dramatic steps to cut off Qatar. How closely are the two connected? We’ll explore. Also last year, he tried to distance himself from Donald trump. This weekend, he was elected head of the Texas GOP. His message may raise eyebrows among democrats. We’ll meet him. Plus file under unfinished business: lawmakers leave austin without renewing state aid for some 300 school districts across Texas. What happens in the fall? We’ll talk to a superintendent caught in the crunch. And as the Golden State Warriors take another game in the finals, a question: what’s a coach worth anyway? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 11, 2017

It’s not just an America thing, y’all: we’ll explore the fallout from the Comey affair and the price to be paid beyond our borders. Also crunch time hits the Texas capitol along with an avalanche of unfinished business. An update from Mike Ward of the Houston Chronicle. And now hear this, because your phone just might have: how millions of apps installed on smartphones could be eavesdropping on you right now. Plus does getting a college degree really matter? A new survey from Rice University says a growing number of white Americans say no. And when is a detention facility a childcare center? When the Texas legislature says it is? Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 20, 2017

Texas is number 1- for reports of improper teacher student relationships- and the numbers continue to rise. Why and what can be done today on the Texas Standard.

An alternative to the much debated senate bathroom bill does not require people to use the bathroom that matches the gender on their birth certificate. We’ll hear why that’s not a “fix’ for many bathroom bill opponents.

A power plant that diverts carbon before it gets into the air. Sounds great–but how’s that working out?

We love our smartphones and such, but is there such a thing as too much tech?

And the only Spanish speaking mosque in the US…and what it says about America’s most diverse city. You bet it’s in Texas.

Texas Standard: April 13, 2017

For decades, Texas has had hate crimes laws on the books, but of hundreds of reports in the past 5 years, only 8 convictions? We’ll explore. Also one of the top financial services companies in Texas does the math and decides to boost its minimum wage. What it means for Texas and perhaps for you personally. And his break with his former employer at the White House made headlines. Now commentator Matthew Dowd making the case for a better way than politics as we know it. Our conversation. Plus, can you find the oldest library in Texas on a map? Yeah, neither could google. But we found someone who can and will. All that and a whole lot more today on the Texas standard:

Texas Standard: March 9, 2017

Illegal crossings on the southwest border down 40 percent in one month! The trump administration says, “You’re welcome” but can they take the credit? Also the tax man calculating the value of homes across Texas right now. We’ll tell you about a political effort to cap how much your property taxes can be raised and why its freaking out some cities and counties. Plus everyone loves to trash the Texas foster care system, but what about the good apples? Foster parents making big sacrifices to help someone else’s children.Also, refugees in public schools and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 8, 2017

Obamacare, but for how much longer? How does what’s been called repeal and replace stand to affect Texans? Answers and more questions today. Also as many servicemen and women once stationed in Afghanistan return to Texas, new boots on the ground over there: Chinese boots. We’ll explore. And give me your tired, your very poor, your huddled masses yearning to be able to afford a grocery trip. What new numbers tell us about why Texas has become a beacon for California migrants. And the latest weather forecast. Same as it ever was? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 2, 2017

It’s been called unconstitutionally dangerous to Texas kids. Finally a fix for a failed child welfare system? That’s our top story today. Plus, thousands of Texans without voter ID went to polls anyway, signed affidavits and cast their ballots. Why 4 months later, some may face criminal charges. And the farm to table movement and a fresh push to change the tax menu. Also nature or nurture: new research in the Alamo city could prompt a rethink in how best to get newborns out of intensive care. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 23, 2017

It used to be the wall, now a new nightmare for Mexico city: where to put thousands of deportees and refugees, we’ll explore. Plus not one, not two, but five new bills aimed at countering campus sexual assault including one that could lead to criminal sanctions against college professors and administrators. And cranes and construction projects crown the skylines of Texas cities. Why a white house order might make half-finished projects permanent fixtures. And help! I’ve fallen and I can get tech. How the digital age is coming to the aid of older Texans. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 16, 2017

At campuses across Texas, posters and flyers calling for white people to take their country back. We’ll explore the recruitment campaign and the pushback. As a white supremacist group called the American Vanguard expands its college recruitment effort, demands grow for college leaders to take action. The president of the state’s flagship university joins us. Plus, after a defeat in the high court, Texas lawmakers bounce back with a new round of abortion-related bills. We’ll have the latest. Also, how high tech is getting political close to home. And the forgotten pieces of an underground railroad that ran…south. All that and much more just ahead on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 9, 2017

It’s as old as the republic itself. Now two Texas lawmakers a republican and a democrat want to end what some call policing for profit. Also deadly fertilizer plant explosion put the tiny Texas town of west on the national map, and chemical safety back in the spotlight. Now some fear a rollback in efforts to prevent another incident like the one in west. And the Big 12 wants answers from Baylor…and millions of dollars now at stake. We’ll tell you why. Plus to many they are the invisibles… but who are the homeless in Texas? One city finds answers by looking to its past. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 2, 2017

America First: the rallying cry for the new administration ,and a focus of protests. But are we ready for what might happen beyond our borders? Plus: make new friends and meet new people. What was once the promise of the global coffee house has devolved into name calling and much worse. Is there a way to fix our online conversations? Also a chat with the first openly transgender mayor of Texas. And are you ready for some football? What about on a shorter field? with no kickoffs? And other rule changes? With concussion concerns on the rise, now comes a hail Mary to keep kids in the game. All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 19, 2017

Rick Perry in the hot seat today as new questions swirl over whether he really understood what job he was nominated to do. A degree in animal husbandry is not a prerequisite for energy secretary, but will his resume as Texas’ longest serving chief executive convince the senate Rick Perry’s the right person for the job? Also, a promise from the president elect: to undo scores of Obama era orders with a few well placed strokes of the pen. What’s really on the chopping block, and what isn’t? And a cartoon controversy gets serious: who’ should really get credit as the birthplace of Popeye? Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 12, 2016

A showdown between republicans, one from Florida, another from Texas, leaves question marks over the future of US foreign policy. We’ll explore. Also, does former Exxon chief Rex Tillerson have the moral clarity to be the next secretary of state? A firsthand account from capitol hill. Plus the Texas democratic lawmaker facing possible criminal charges who promised to resign, now refusing to ride off into the sunset. And thousands of texans getting taken for a ride over loans they never took out. And flying cars: could this be the year? Our digital guru gets real about what to expect from tech in 2017. Those stories and much much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 5, 2016

He once called him a buffoon with the fear mongering arguments of a child. Now, a top Hispanic leader is joining the Trump team. Our conversation today. Also massive protests and reports of looting in cities all across Mexico as parts of the country come to a virtual standstill. We’ll hear what’s behind it. And a closer to home a tightening job market. How some Texas companies are trying to win over the best and brightest with coffee bars, free college courses and other perks. Plus how much does it really cost to educate Texas kids? The state rethinks the numbers. And the promise of 2017, from high tech to tacos. All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 29, 2016

Corruption on the border. We all know it’s there, but are you aware just how much it’s happening on this side of the Rio Grande? Also Texas lawmakers will spend a lot of time talking about education funding in the next few months. School districts and tax payers will want to pay attention. And some environmentalists worry renewables won’t get the same attention under Trump. The conservative case for solar. Also: Dilley, Texas is known these days for its family detention center. How it’s shaped the south Texas city. If Texas were made up of just 100 people, can you guess how many would live east of I-35? Plus, a look back at the top tech stories of 2016 and more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 28, 2016

Social media is getting the blame for a rash of fights at malls across the country, including Texas. How’s that possible? We’ll ask on today’s Texas Standard. Also, predicting the global dynamics of 2017. What’s next for the European Union? For oil? For the U.S. under Trump? Plus the business of space travel in Midland, and turning a greenhouse gas into a commodity. And book recommendations for each month of the year, chock full of lessons tailor-made for Texans. Also how the desegregation of Texas sports is connected to the Harlem Globetrotters and so much more, its Texas Standard time!:

Texas Standard: December 1, 2016

An farewell holiday gift from the President: a pardon for immigrants in the US illegally. Could that actually happen? We’ll not often do democrats and republicans agree, but with the prospect of a huge wall looming, two Texas lawmakers from opposite sides of the aisle are pushing a bill to keep borders open, at least for trade. And remember the Alamo? Not like this you don’t. Details emerge of a 300 million dollar facelift for the shrine of Texas independence. And why we shouldn’t forget the unsung heroes of the internet…most likely living in your bedroom closet. All that and much more today on the Texas Standard: