
The Race Has Gotten Ugly

We’ve been hearing from presidential hopefuls for nearly three years now. It’s 2016, and here we are counting down to the general election. Tensions are high and lines have been drawn. The one thing we can all agree on: things are getting ugly.

Texas Standard: July 14, 2016

A town hall meeting on race that may be unprecedented. A look at the White House event and what role one prominent Texan may play. Also the aisle is widening, at least that’s what it looks like when you examine the latest party platforms. We’ll have analysis. Plus another round of Medicaid cuts hits Texas today. We’ll break down the effects. And cultural artifacts. What discoveries at an old Houston Sugar Mill may tell us about slaves once held there. And Pell grants for prisoners: why one Texas community college is taking advantage of a new program designed to reduce return trips to behind bars. All that and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: July 12, 2016

The nation mourns for Dallas. President Obama in North Texas today to remember 5 police officers. And bending the President’s ear. A US Representative from Dallas tells us what she has to say to the President… and what she wants her colleagues in Washington to know. And a convention in Cleveland. Events begin to ramp up for the Grand Old Party’s party… but not everyone is celebrating. Plus tens of thousands of precious Texas artifacts have been removed from the Alamo… where they’re going and why. And bats just might be useful allies in the fight against Zika… but don’t count on them to eradicate it. We’ll explain… Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:


In election years, the subject of borders inevitably comes up, whether it’s a local race or a national one. That inspired Typewriter Rodeo’s David Fruchter to write this week’s poem.

Erin Aubry Kaplan, Pt. 2 (Ep. 27, 2016)

In Black America’s John L. Hanson, Jr. concludes a conversation with journalist and columnist Erin Aubry Kaplan, an Los Angeles native who has written extensively about African American and feminist issues and is the author of I Heart Obama.

The Peasantry: Blain Snipstal (Ep. 13)

Raj Patel, Tom Philpott and Rebecca McInroy talk with peasant farmer Blain Snipstal about the history of agriculture and racism in America, power, food sovereignty, La Via Campesina, land, and much more.

Ode to Candidate Drop-Outs

Every election year, there are candidates who decide to leave the race before it’s over. That was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s Kari Anne Roy as she wrote this week’s poem.

Texas Standard: January 22, 2016

In the brawl for the Republican nomination in Iowa- influential conservative intellectuals come out swinging against the man standing in the way of Ted Cruz. But will any of this matter for the U-S Senator from Texas? Plus the latest Texas jobs report shows unemployment ticking slightly higher. But if you’re a woman over 50, there are big obstacles to getting a job. And the history behind the The Texas Rangers killing hundreds of Mexican-Americans in the early 20th century. Those stories and lots more on todays Texas Standard:

Education with Dr. John B. Diamond (Ep. 48, 2015)

Dr. John B. Diamond, co-author of “Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools,” shares his thoughts on race, class and education in society, now and in our country’s past.

The Honorable Ron Kirk, Pt. 2 (Ep. 41, 2015)

The conclusion of a conversation with the Honorable Ron Kirk, former Dallas Mayor and U.S. Trade Ambassador, and Senior of Counsel in the Dallas and Washington, D.C. offices of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher.

One Race Done

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has dropped out of the campaign for the Republican nominee for president. So what happens now? That was the inspiration for this week’s Typewriter Rodeo poem by Jodi Egerton.

Remembering Joyce Ann Brown (Ep. 34, 2015)

A conversation with the late Joyce Ann Brown, shortly after her 2009 release after spending nearly 10 years wrongly imprisoned for robbery. She became a tireless champion of the incarcerated until her death in June 2015.

V&B: Race in America

In this episode of Views & Brews, KUT’s Rebecca McInroy talks with UT Professors Bob Jensen, Eric Tang, Rich Reddick, and Ixchel Rosal about the climate of racial tension in America following the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.

June 9, 2015

To protect and to serve. And to fear? What the videos from McKinney Texas may tell us about 21st century police training. Plus more from the most infamous breakup of a teenage pool party in US history, as protests grow and internet hackers get in on the action. Property tax savings- experts warn don’t spend it all in one place…in fact, you may not want to spend it at all… we’ll hear why. Also, reimagining America: what viral maps really tell us about ourselves…and what they don’t.

June 8, 2015

Police and Race…Texas in the international spotlight as a pair of videos go viral. The EPA says there’s no connection between fracking and pollution of drinking water…end of discussion? Not so much, we’ll explore. Also, a medical breakthrough at a Houston hospital: the first ever skull cap transplant. And a tax that affects only women? Stay with us

Presidential Hope

Texas is likely to have several representatives in the 2016 presidential election. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is stumping and it’s been announced that former Texas Governor Rick Perry will announce… that was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s Sean Petrie this week.

Race In America

Race in America

This month’s episode recognizes Black History Month by bringing together several scholars for a discussion of race in contemporary America. As we look back on 2014, we celebrate the achievements of African-Americans, but we also find racial inequality and abuses of power and privilege that continue to endanger and oppress non-white Americans. We must also ask ourselves: Where are we, as a nation, in our ongoing debates regarding race? Among other inquiries, host Rebecca McInroy asks these In Perspective discussants which conversations about race are most productive to pursue.

The Discussion

Cherise Smith is a professor of art history and Director of the John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. Smith reminds us that while the effects of racial discrimination are very real, race is also a social construction that gets piled onto other issues of power and identity, including gender, class, and education.

Rich Reddick is a professor of educational administration and Faculty Director for Campus Diversity Initiatives at UT Austin. Reddick argues that we need to have more general conversations about race, rather than rely on reactionary discussions, in order to help us work through and understand ongoing institutional racism.

Eric Tang is a professor of African and African diaspora studies and Asian American studies at UT Austin. For Tang, race is a set of practices, which assign values and power to certain bodies based on individual daily life, as well as policy. He brings to our attention the significance of race in how Austin has changed over time.

Regina Lawrence is a professor of journalism at UT Austin and author of The Politics of Force: Media and the Construction of Police Brutality. For Lawrence, conversations about race begin with a shared language and a greater sense of empathy—something she finds lacking in discussions driven by social media where earnest conversation can be foreclosed by a culture of shaming.

What’s your perspective?

Race is a sensitive issue in this country to say the least. It is a complicated social construction that keeps us divided through institutionalized means, via the daily reproduction of social conventions, and via the easy reliance on harmful stereotypes. While we engage in this discussion during Black History Month, it is clear that race impacts all our lives regardless of how we might identify and regardless of how others categorize us. When we understand race in relation to power and privilege, we begin to see how it plays out in our daily experiences. How does race impact your daily life.