For this edition of This is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “Wedding Cake” by Naomi Shihab Nye.
Closet Recordings: Dorianne Laux
In this edition of This Is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “If This is Paradise,” by Dorianne Laux.
Abstraction and Base Rate Neglect
One thing that happens during a pandemic is that a lot of numbers, percentages, charts, and graphs get tossed around on a daily, even hourly basis. However, all those numbers and graphics are really difficult for us to process.
On this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about abstraction and base rate neglect.
Closet Recordings: W.S. Merwin
In this edition of This Is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “The Unwritten,” by. W.S. Merwin.
Closet Recordings: Barbara Ras
In this edition of This Is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “You Can’t Have It All,” by Barbara Ras.
Closet Recordings:Marie Howe and The Poetry Lesson
On this special edition of This Is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain read “Courage” by Marie Howe, and adds a lesson to all you young poets out there for how to write an ode. This is a great exercise for you to do with your kiddos this weekend! We hope you enjoy it!
The Role of Identity in Processing Information
When it comes to how information influences our mood, how we identify ourselves plays a big role. In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the role of identity in processing information.
Closet Recordings:Jack Gilbert
In this, the tenth, edition of This is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “Failing and Falling,” by Jack Gilbert.
Closet Recordings: Jane Hirshfield
In this, the ninth, edition of This is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “Day Beginning with Seeing the International Space Station and a Full Moon Over the Gulf of Mexico and All Its Invisible Fishes,” by Jane Hirshfield.
Quarantine Confessions
We’d love to know how you’re dealing with quarantine and COVID-19. Please share your new experiences and we’ll select some of your most unique stories to pass along to a singer-songwriter to write an original song based on your experience. You can submit your stories to
Some talking points that you can share, but aren’t limited to:
Maybe you’re single or currently dating someone? How’s that going?
You’re getting to know your neighbors whom you’ve never met before? Are they as crazy as you’ve once thought?
Tell us about how you’re dealing with your kids.
Do you work at a hospital? What’s the stress level like?
We look forward to hearing from you. Please be safe and WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!
Closet Recordings: Philip Levine
In this, the eighth, edition of This is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads, “The Mercy” by Philip Levine.
Crisis and Guilt
During this time of crisis, you might be at home feeling guilty that you aren’t doing more to help people. You might not know what to do. You might feel you ought to be doing more.
On this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke answer a listener question: “how do you assuage the guilt about not being able to do more? Not able to order enough take out, sew masks, help coworkers homeschool their kids (or give breaks)??”
Thank you for the question! Stay safe!
Closet Recordings: Pablo Neruda and The Friday Poetry Lesson
On this special Friday edition of This is Just To Say, The Closet Recordings, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to My Socks” and adds a lesson to all you young poets out there for how to write an ode. This is a great exercise for you to do with your kiddos this weekend! We hope you enjoy it!
Closet Recordings: Lucille Clifton
In this fifth of our Closet Recordings during the quarantine, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads “Blessing The Boats,” by Lucille Clifton.
Closet Recordings: Stanley Kunitz
In this fourth of our Closet Recordings during the quarantine, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads “The Layers,” by Stanley Kunitz.
Closet Recordings: Wendell Berry
In this third of our Closet Recordings during the quarantine, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads “The Peace of Wild Things,” by Wendell Berry.
Closet Recordings: Mary Oliver
In this second of our Closet Recordings during the quarantine, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain reads “When I am Among The Trees,” by Mary Oliver.
Closet Recordings: William Stafford
As we all try to adapt to life during this pandemic, poet and novelist Carrie Fountain will add perspective and guidance through poetry.
In the first of our special episodes of This is Just To Say titled, Closet Recordings, Fountain reads William Stafford‘s poem “For My Young Friends Who Are Afraid.”
The Psychology of Hysteria
In uncertain times it can be helpful, and feel good, to do something–anything. But why? On this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about how to navigate the psychology of hysteria.
Why It’s So Hard Not To Touch Your Face
The CDC is recommending that to avoid spreading the Coronavirus we wash our hands often and don’t touch our face. However, when it comes to habits like touching our faces, just stopping cold turkey is harder than we might think.
On this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology behind why it’s so hard not to touch your face.