
Texas Standard: July 16, 2015

Born in Texas, but denied a birth certificate. 17 Immigrant families file a civil rights suit saying their documents should be good enough. Also, a nuclear deal between Iran and the US…could North Korea be next? We’ll explore the possibilities. The city that almost singlehandedly gave birth to the concept of reefer madness is leading the charge for pot legalization. Remember what Southwest once was when it came to gettin’ around in Texas? A Dallas based entrepreneur sure does, and his TSA-free airline is fast on the rise.

June 2, 2015

Search operations continue in the aftermath of the Texas floods. Clean up and recovery are no where near complete…so what do you do if you run a bed and breakfast? A look at the tourism industry in one of the Texas towns hit hardest by the floods. Also, Governor Greg Abbott says marijuana legalization in Texas stops with a bill he signed into law yesterday but activists see it as a step toward looser pot laws. Plus, how is the affordable care act working in Texas? Astronomers searching for dark energy, and a trip to the small town of Giddings:

KUT Weekend – January 17, 2014

Candidates for Texas governor rake in cash…..legalizing marijuana in Texas….drinking through Dripping Springs. Those stories and more in this edition of KUT Weekend.