
Texas Standard: October 1, 2020

T minus 12 days and counting: are you ready to cast a ballot in Texas’ general election? We’ll have a list of practical steps to take now if you plan to cast a ballot in one of the most contentious elections in our history. Also the COVID-19 wake up call: why was Texas caught flatfooted even though plans had been in the works to deal with a pandemic? A Houston Chronicle investigation finds some surprising answers. And harsh lessons in reality for some just starting college in Texas during COVID-19. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 28, 2020

With almost two weeks to go before the first ballots are cast in Texas for the general election, a court decision that could change the rules for voters. A federal court tosses new rules against straight ticket voting and the state attorney general plans an appeal. We’ll hear what the impact could be for Texas voters. Also, Governor Abbott’s not on the ballot, but in a special election set for tomorrow his pandemic policies are front and center, exposing a deepening rift among republicans. And a rare voice on radio marks a golden anniversary: the Texas-based In Black America and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 22, 2020

A Beta test for southeast Texas as rains pummel the region, roads are closed, schools shift plans and officials warn to stay put, we’ll have the latest. Also, COVID-19 has hit retail hard, but what about retail politics? The pandemic’s impact on a political season like few others in recent memory. Plus, Latino political power in Texas: under lockdown or primed to make major waves on election day? We’ll explore. And the U.S. Department of Transportation gives the green light to the Texas bullet train connecting Dallas to Houston in 90 minutes. All aboard? Not quite. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: August 14, 2020

A new bill coming before Texas lawmakers next year addresses police action and accountability. It’s called the George Floyd Act, we’ll have the latest. Also, a Texas federal prison has more COVID-19 positive inmates than any other facility in the country. What’s being done about it. And what are you still wondering about the Coronavirus? We put your questions to a doctor. Plus, what Kamala Harris said about Texas in this election season before she became the VP nominee. And 50 years later… why it’s still worth remembering a long-gone Austin music venue. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: August 13, 2020

Defunding the police: It’s gone from a phrase on a protest sign to a real discussion as cities finalize their budgets, we’ll have the latest. Also, Hispanic communities have been especially hit hard by the Coronavirus. But why? We’ll dig in. Plus a contact tracing technology experiment of sorts in a perhaps unlikely venue: the GOP convention. What it might mean for the general population. And one of the darlings of Sundance this year was a documentary about a bunch of Texas boys. We’ll have the story. That plus more on schools and COVID-19, today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 1, 2020

A may day like few others in recent memory as the Lone Star State begins a slow reopen. Texans get back to work, or perhaps, not. We’ll have the latest. Also, its May 1st: due day for millions of renters. Dallas and Austin among cities offering relief. We’ll look at why Texas’ biggest city hasn’t joined them. And the Texas Attorney General weighs in on property rights, in Colorado? Why? And the week in Texas politics with the Texas Tribune, the Typewriter Rodeo and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 17, 2020

In the great tourist towns of Texas, it’s far from fun and games this weekend. From the Gulf Coast, Hill Country and Big Bend, how tourist towns are coping with COVID-19. Plus a double hit to small businesses in Texas’ already economically disadvantaged latino communities. And you’ve got questions? Dr Fred Campbell’s got answers. Our go to expert from UT Health San Antonio fields listener concerns about the Coronavirus. Plus a Texas salute to American singer songwriter John Prine. Those stories plus the week in Texas politics with the Texas Tribune and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: November 7, 2019

Women and children killed in northern Mexico. Questions remain about whether they were targeted and what happens next. That massacre in Mexico an example of the violence asylum-seekers from the country say they need to get away from. We’ll have a report. Plus, the state’s most populous county had big delays in election results. A dispute over who and what is to blame. And something you do everyday could be contributing to the population decline of monarch butterflies. We’ll explain. All those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 20, 2019

At least two dead, nearly 4 feet of rain and some parts of southeast Texas calling it worse than Hurricane Harvey. Our own Michael Marks joins us with the latest on tropical storm Imelda’s toll in Texas. Also, you’ve heard the phrase ‘it takes a village’, but to go to Mars? Why SpaceX is offering to buy an entire south Texas community. And Houston says Howdy Modi as the Indian Prime Minister makes Texas a centerpiece of his U.S. visit. Plus the week in Texas politics with the Texas Tribune and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: August 19, 2019

A partial win for the Trump administration’s new rule for asylum is affecting thousands of people on the other side of the Texas Mexico divide. We’ll take a look at whats happening. Other stories we’re covering: a ransomware attack paralyses 23 government computer systems statewide. Could it have been prevented? One expert says absolutely. Also, a man set to be executed by Texas this week. It’s his sixth scheduled execution date. Why questions about his actual innocence have haunted the courts for almost two decades. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 19, 2019

Reaction to the Mueller report from across Texas and from across the political spectrum. So what happens next? We’ll talk with legal scholar Steve Vladek. Plus beyond the legal and political implications, one aspect not getting much attention: how the U.S. was attacked by Russian military units. NPR’s Pam Fessler joins us with details of how a voting system was breached. Also a pattern of Black and Latino suicides and what’s being done. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 20, 2018

Will this be the legislative session that fixes the way Texas funds public schools? We’ll explore new recommendations. And speaking of the legislative session, there are new bills filed. We ask lawmakers why certain bills are near and dear to their hearts. We also say goodbye to members of the Texas delegation in Washington. And ’tis the season to go shopping, and get a discount: we’ll tell you how. All of that and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 6, 2018

Snow to the north, flooding to the south, storms close in on the Lone Star State, with dangerous implications. We’ll hear the latest on weather warnings statewide. Also a man in a jail cell in Odessa may be one of the most prolific serial killers in history. Why did it take so long for authorities to catch him? Plus, why Texas appears to have become ground zero for a cryptocurrency crackdown. And challenging assumptions: one of the most comprehensive profiles of Latinos: ever. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: November 27, 2018

As visions of gift shopping danced in our heads, a report on climate released by the Feds. What does it tell us about how Texas may have to adjust? Political recriminations over the timing of the mandatory report on the economic impact of climate change. After having had a chance to review it, what’s it telling Texas? We’ll take a closer look. Also, should the U.S. be worried about a collapse in the housing market? The Wall Street journal singles out a Texas city as a worrisome canary in the coalmine. And who were the first Texans? Why Researchers are rethinking their answers with a discovery near Salado. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: November 15, 2018

Troops at the border: a test of mettle for the Military? The defense chief in south Texas defends the use of soldiers at the U.S. Mexico line. Border security is part of national security says James Mattis at a forward operating base in south Texas. But what’s the long term goal for those 23 hundred troops at the Texas border with Mexico? We’ll take a look. And the state of kids in Texas, today we get new data. Also the President set to sign a bill with bipartisan congressional support. Come again? We’ll hear about the issue that’s brought Congress, the White House, Democrats and Republicans together. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 29, 2018

As a nation reels in the aftermath of a synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, congregants gather in Sutherland Springs to reflect on what happened there a year earlier. Also, as texans continue to set records at the polls, political experts keep talking about the so-called sleeping giant. But a case can be made that there’s a better metaphor for the power of the Hispanic vote in Texas. We’ll hear about that. Plus the Army Corps of Engineers and the Texas general land office pushing a massive multi-billion dollar plan to put a wall between part of the Texas gulf coast and the next major storm. All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 18, 2018

It started with a few hundred headed for the U.S. border, now 4 thousand strong: the Honduran caravan en route for the U.S. border, we’ll have the latest. Also, days away from the start of early voting, and a once reliably Republican congressional district now one of the most closely watched of the election season. Why the Texas 32nd matters. And they’re the fastest growing demographic in Texas and politicians are eager to court them. But how much do the political parties really understand about what makes young Latinos and Latinas tick? A new survey offers some answers. All that and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 7, 2018

The Trump Administration wants changes to a long-held agreement affecting young immigrants held in detention. We’ll take a look at what that would mean here in Texas. Also, it’s been quite a week in Brazil. An attack on a political candidate, a major fire, and now it’s Independence Day. We’ll talk to a Brazilian with a Texas perspective. And do you know what a gun is? It’s actually a lot more complicated than you might think. Why the question may be more important than the debate over 3D printing weapons. Plus we’ll question some of the common narratives about Texas history. And we’ll take a little escape to the movies. All that, politics, the Typewriter Rodeo and so much more on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 19, 2018

Too close to call? As long time experts scratch their heads, a new survey says Texas, you’re in for some fireworks in that Senate race. We’ll explore the battle of Ted and Beto. Also, who or what is the Queen of the Hill? Short answer: what may be a last chance for a deal to protect young immigrants from deportation. A Texas Republican Congressman among those pushing for an unusual parliamentary procedure to break the daca impasse. Also, the Waco Siege 25 years on. And the pilot hailed as a hero in Monday’s Southwest Airlines emergency landing, has made history before. We’ll hear how and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: November 14, 2017

How many reports of sexual harassment have been filed against Texas house and Senate members? The number might surprise you. As Texas’ US senators pull their endorsement of Alabama republican senate candidate Roy Moore, new allegations emerge that hit much closer to home. Alexa Ura of the Texas Tribune on what their team is finding about sexual harassment and assault under the so-called pink dome. Also, compounding pharmacies across Texas coming under federal scrutiny for dispensing deadly cocktails laced with kickbacks and charged to taxpayers, we’ll explore. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard: