
Texas Standard: June 29, 2016

You protect them, you monitor what they’re exposed to, and then one day: Dad what is ISIS? How do you respond? We’ll explore. Also big fail for standardized tests in Texas, penalties nearing one and a half million dollars. So why are we sticking with the company behind them? Is there a better way? Also big changes this Friday for the women’s health program in Texas. We’ll have details. And many in Europe and beyond worry about GMO’s–genetically modified veggies and the like. How will they take to cloned Texas cattle? And the president’s claims about voter ID in modern democracies, is Texas *that out of step? All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 9, 2016

Are Police in Texas mentally fit for duty? An investigation reveals thousands of officers and jailers improperly screened. We’ll explore. Also what does secession have in common with public bathrooms? Both are expected to be issues up for discussion as Texas Republicans convene in Dallas. Also Texas energy giant Exxon Mobil makes a major investment aimed at cutting greenhouse gases… is the effort for real or just for PR? And a celebrity businessman thumbs his nose at the media and topples the political establishment. They say there’s been nothing like it before…wanna bet? Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 6, 2016

A fire in Houston takes on statewide significance, raising questions over chemicals stored close to schools. We’ll explore. Also a pipeline that cuts thru one of the most pristine areas of Texas gets the green light…we’ll discuss the implications. A Texas vote tomorrow on services like Uber and Lyft. At stake, not just the rules in Austin, but perhaps in cities across the nation. We’ll hear why. Also the week in Texas politics, with the Texas Tribune and a new manual on how to be a Texan. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 5th, 2015

The plaintiff: a US army Captain. The defendant: president Barack Obama. The claim? That the war against Isis is illegal. We’ll explore. Also, how safe is your drinking water? A warning for pregnant women, especially those who live in rural parts of Texas. And if you’ve been the victim of a crime, you may have some money coming to ya. Though in Texas you may have to go hunt it down…why the state is sitting on millions of dollars in unclaimed restitution money. Plus some pre weekend tips for a quick Texas getaway. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 18, 2016

Imagine getting a message at work saying you’re at risk for diabetes… How some employers are tracking worker health data. We’ll explore… Also Texas Senator Ted Cruz continues to battle it out on the campaign trail with one Donald J. Trump… we’ll unpack the heated race. Plus… We all know Texas is highly dependent on the struggling oil and gas industry… or is it? A new report from the Dallas fed. What’s the deal with 3D printers? We ask our tech expert.
And… what’s that? Ahhh… BBQ… today we’re talking links. All that and a whole lot more… on todays Texas Standard: