The Homeland Security chief tweets that the U.S. does not have a policy of separating families at the border: is that fact or fiction? Over the weekend, outrage grows over the so-called zero-tolerance policy on illegal immigration, a drama playing out across south Texas. We’ll talk with the Houston Chronicle’s immigration reporter to hear what she’s learned about how families are separated and what is and isn’t done to get them back together. Also an unusual death penalty appeal: not a plea to spare a life, but for a different method of killing, we’ll explore. Plus: does your teenager know what he or she needs to when it comes to Texas law? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: June 4, 2018
After sexual abuse and other scandals, the agency that oversees juvenile justice in Texas puts out a plan for a major overhaul. But will it be enough? We’ll have details. Also, the highest court in in the state takes a step that effectively forces Texas to reveal something it doesn’t want to: the name of the company that supplies its execution drug. Why the fight, and why isn’t the court buying Texas’s explanation for keeping silent? And after pushback from physicians, the state’s largest health insurer says it will now delay plans to second guess emergency room visits. Plus after countless failed attempts to deal with feral hogs, yet another plan, inspired by bacon. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: May 21, 2018
A Texas GOP lawmaker says the governor should call a special session on gun violence. Has Santa Fe become a turning point in Texas? Governor Abbot has long opposed gun control, but after Friday’s massacre at Santa Fe high school south of Houston, the governor now he says he wants to lead a discussion on how to stop school shootings. Will gun control be on the table? Two Texas lawmakers, one a Democrat and the other a Republican weigh in. Also, veterans going hungry at unusually high rates. What’s being done and what isn’t. And comedian Mo Amer on being proudly Texan, proudly Muslim, and sharing a first class plane trip with Eric Trump. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: May 16, 2018
Did the maker of Oxycontin engage in deceptive marketing in Texas? The Lone Star State joins a lawsuit over who fueled the opioid crisis. “We must make those who have caused the opioid crisis feel the pain that they have inflicted on our community”- so says attorney general Ken Paxton announcing the lawsuit against Purdue Pharma. Some Democrats complain the move comes rather late and in a re-election year to boot. We’ll have more. Also Austin’s controversial move to force private businesses to provide paid sick leave may be going viral. And the term illegal alien: many find it offensive, the Texas DPS chief says it’s just a term of law: a Politifact check and more, today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: May 15, 2018
the US Supreme Court’s decision on sports betting: what are the odds things will change in the Lone Star State? We’ll explore. Also, what’s the best and worst price for gasoline you’ve seen? Tweet us @TexasStandard because this hour we’re exploring the rise to $3 bucks per gallon, and how that could affect us way beyond the pumps. Also, more and more states moving away from hypnosis as a tool in law enforcement. Some officials calling it junk science, though in Texas, in can be a matter of life and death. Lauren McGauhey of the Dallas Morning News explains. And the attempt to hear what your ears can-not. A new idea to combat killer twisters before they strike. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: April 30, 2018
Reversed: Texas’ Voter ID law once found to discriminate on the basis of race now gets the green light. So what forms of ID will you need to bring with you to the polling place? That won’t change. We’ll hear how the court came down and why. Also, remember gas prices closing in on 4 dollars a gallon? Would you be wiling to pay double that? A prediction that could make em smile in the Permian Basin, but put the big squeeze on SUV drivers. And those commercial DNA genealogy tests: could they be used against you in a court of law? A high profile case raising red flags. All those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: April 27, 2018
Can the Governor force a disgraced ex Congressman to compensate taxpayers for the costs of a special election to replace him? We’ll explore your questions. Also, the National Rifle Association is coming to Dallas for its national convention next week. A writer for the Dallas Morning News says its coming full circle in a sense, since two texans turned it into the group it is today. We’ll hear how and why. Plus, an idea to get more future teachers to turn their sights to rural Texas. And an unlikely pick from an unlikely place: football’s Cinderella story from San Antonio. Also, the man convicted of murder who’s helping the wrongly accused get of jail. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: March 13, 2018
The Texan in charge of US diplomacy, isn’t anymore. After traveling the world, secretary of state Rex Tillerson is coming home, we’ll explore. Also, exploding parcels in the Texas capitol city. Police are trying to connect the dots, warning Austinites not to touch boxes left at front doors. And in Dallas explosions of another sort, these connected to gas mains. Lots of folks in big D asking questions, but not getting many answers. And what was the cause of the civil war? And how is it taught in Texas schools? Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: March 6, 2018
Worst deal ever! That’s what candidate Trump called NAFTA. Now putting steel tariffs on the table, could Trump tilt the scales? We’ll explore. Also, it’s primary day in Texas, we’ll have the latest. And are today’s doctors dinosaurs? The head of the new UT medical school in Austin says they’re definitely an endangered species, we’ll hear why. And when companies breaking ties with the NRA and taking stands in the culture wars, smart business? Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: February 19, 2018
The University of Texas and the Texas Tribune team up to tell us which politicians are ahead on the polls, we’ll have the latest. Also, is OPEC bringing in more members to better control oil prices? We’ll Explore the role of Historically Black Colleges and speak to the film-maker. Plus comfort food has a whole other meaning to families in poverty, we tell you why. And the art of Arturo Torres is putting Garland on the map, we’ll explain. Also, it’s president’s Day! And early voting starts tomorrow, be sure to Wear your red white and blue all week! Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: January 22, 2018
A surprise in Texas election year politics: one of the state’s biggest unions turns its back on the democrat hoping to unseat Ted Cruz, we’ll have the latest. Also, he’s supposed to be second in command in the Lone Star state and yet some believe when it comes to power, the number two is number 1. A pre-primary primmer on the powers on the Lt. Governor. And prices of Texas crude, hitting new levels not seen since the market fallout of 2014. Time to sell the gas-guzzler? Plus after losing most of his family to a shooter, a father asks the state for clemency for the convicted killer…his own son. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: December 15, 2017
The UN and Amnesty International among the groups warning of a new move to green light the militarization of Mexico, we’ll have the latest. Also, NASA celebrating the discovery of a new planet in a solar system that looks not entirely unlike our own. But it’s how the discovery was made that’s a breakthrough unto itself, we’ll hear why. And on a fateful November day in Dallas, 1963, a secret service agent threw himself on top of the first lady to shield her from bullets. And for years blamed himself for the death of a president. Today, that agent, Clint Hill, joins us. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 14, 2017
How many reports of sexual harassment have been filed against Texas house and Senate members? The number might surprise you. As Texas’ US senators pull their endorsement of Alabama republican senate candidate Roy Moore, new allegations emerge that hit much closer to home. Alexa Ura of the Texas Tribune on what their team is finding about sexual harassment and assault under the so-called pink dome. Also, compounding pharmacies across Texas coming under federal scrutiny for dispensing deadly cocktails laced with kickbacks and charged to taxpayers, we’ll explore. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 13, 2017
A seat in the U.S. Senate and 36 in the House, plus dozens upon dozens of Texas House and Senate spots. Who wants to fill those jobs? We’ll explore. Also, one week after a deadly shooting all eyes turned once again to a church service in Sutherland Springs, we’ll have the latest. Plus oil and gas development in an “un-tapped” region of West Texas and so much more, today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: October 23, 2017
Today marks the start of early voting across Texas, but for what? Never fear, we’ll have real world explanations of what’s up for grabs at the polls. Grab a pencil and a small piece of paper and play along as we decide how we’re gonna cast our ballots in the constitutional contests now officially underway. Also, Texas may be one of the top states for executions, but it also leads in exonerations. The price the state is paying for wrongful convictions. And the most powerful super computer at any university in the US is in Texas is about to become one of the nation’s fastest too. So why are they planning for its replacement already? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard :
Texas Standard: October 20, 2017
Until now, president Trump’s wall has been more of a symbol than anything else: now something far more concrete emerges at the border, we’ll have details. Also, cities across Texas racing to annex land before December 1st. What’s pushing the land rush, and the pushback from homeowners: it’s starting to get ugly. And sleepless over Seattle, anyone? The bids for Amazon’s second headquarters are in and some in Seattle say the losers in this contest could turn out to be the real winners, we’ll explore. And do you really need a car anymore? A Texas team does the math and shows why more Texans may want to reconsider. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: August 29, 2017
Across sodden southeast Texas, as the rain keeps fall, rescues continue and shelters begin to overfill. We’ll have comprehensive coverage. Also, as evacuees flow into shelters in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, second-guessing grows over Houston’s decision not to issue evacuation orders. And in northwest Houston, a reverend providing shelter for others finds himself in deep water. As reservoir banks rise, now what? Also, gas shortages begin to take hold further inland, some, from the area where Harvey first made landfall, are returning home. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: August 28, 2017
The official forecast was spot on: an unprecedented event and beyond anything experienced. How Texas is weathering Harvey. It started out with staggering winds making landfall north of Corpus Christi, the view from near Rockport described as apocalyptic. No longer a hurricane, Harvey unleashed its fury further north, plunging the third largest metropolitan area into a flood of historic dimensions. We’ll have the latest today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: July 12, 2017
As the US focuses on the tale of the emails, another big story may be getting buried. Will this week go down in history as the end of ISIS? We’ll explore. Also one of the most powerful players in the business world is buying up Texas companies: a multibillion dollar offer for Oncor, his latest move. Why’s the oracle of Omaha playing Texas hold em? We’ll explore. And we’ve all heard the arguments over immigration: a new report tries to settle the score when it comes to the costs, and benefits. Those stories and a lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: July 6, 2017
The US Russian divide used to be described as a cold war. Today, more evidence its become something more like a hostage crisis, we’ll have the story. Also a year ago this week: tragedy in downtown Dallas. 5 officers shot dead at an otherwise peaceful protest. What its like to be a cop in the Big D, one year later. And Raising eyebrows in the Texas oil industry, Volvo’s surprise announcement to go all electric: just how imminent is the death of the internal combustion engine? Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard: