7.1 on the Richter Scale: a deadly earthquake in central Mexico on the anniversary of a historic temblor. We’ll take you to Mexico city this hour. Also, the military plane is designated for TX and it could be a shot in the arm for you know where, we’ll have the story. Plus Ken Paxton says president Obama tried to confer citizenship status on daca recipients: Politifact Texas looks into that claim. And they say that news is the first draft of history. Now comes an important second draft you might say, with an exploration of a Texas reshaped by Harvey. Our conversation with the editor in chief of Texas monthly. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: August 23, 2017
President Trump says he doesn’t think NAFTA can be saved and he’s calling for a shutdown of the federal government if that’s what it takes to fund the border wall, we’ll explore. Also we’ll apply a Texas filter to the president’s remarks in Phoenix, Arizona. Plus, why a federal judge has stopped Houston from banning large encampments of people experiencing homelessness. And how giant retailers like Walmart and Target are trying to compete with Amazon. Also-
Houston to Dallas in 30 minutes? Hyperloop technology might make it possible. We’ll hear from Texans competing this weekend to make it a reality. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: August 2, 2017
The Affirmative Action pendulum could swing yet again. What a new document suggests about plans inside the DOJ. It wasn’t long ago the Supreme Court sided with the University of Texas’ use of affirmative action. A new administration could bring back the debate. Plus, President Trump’s proposed Border Wall may be coming sooner than expected to Texas. And, Just when you thought fried food couldn’t get any crazier, Texas brings you: the tamale donut, and a crawfish lollipop. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: July 26, 2017
A new transgender ban for the US Military? A presidential proclamation on social media this morning sparks a scramble for answers, we’ll explore. Also, the mayor of Corpus Christi tells us he’s got a question for the man he voted to be governor: why the assault on cities? We’ll talk to mayor Joe mcComb as he and more than a dozen of his mayoral colleagues from across the state get ready to meet with Governor Abbott. Plus, file under not fake news: is Snopes, the original fact checking site of the world wide web, in danger of going dark? And what do Texas cities sound like? Our commentator on the greatest songs about Texas towns and a whole lot more, today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: July 12, 2017
As the US focuses on the tale of the emails, another big story may be getting buried. Will this week go down in history as the end of ISIS? We’ll explore. Also one of the most powerful players in the business world is buying up Texas companies: a multibillion dollar offer for Oncor, his latest move. Why’s the oracle of Omaha playing Texas hold em? We’ll explore. And we’ve all heard the arguments over immigration: a new report tries to settle the score when it comes to the costs, and benefits. Those stories and a lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: July 5, 2017
North Korea has launched a rocket that can reach the United States. It’s a game changer, says a top Texas expert on national security, we’ll have the latest. Also, if you’re a retired teacher living in Texas, stay healthy, because the other option is about to get a whole lot more expensive. Troubling holes in a statewide safety net. And the comments that rocked college station: 5 years after an A&M professors remarks about race and violence, the dust is far from settled. We’ll hear the what and why. And a Grammy winning troubadour on leaving Texas in the rear view mirror and the close ties that bind him to home. You might second the emotion…all those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: June 14, 2017
A still developing story out of northern Virginia where a gunman opens fire on members of congress and aides. Congressman Steve Scalise, the majority whip from Louisiana hit in the early morning gun attack, we’ll have the latest. Also, an aide to Texas congressman Roger Williams hit, a developing story we’re following this hour. So is it foliage versus fascism? How did trees get caught up in Texas politics? We’ll check out the roots. And the DPS cuts back hours at drivers license centers. The blowback over long lines forces a 180. We’ll hear from a Houston Senator none too amused by the back and forth. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: June 7, 2017
Pink dome deja vu: Governor Abbott calls Texas lawmakers back to the city he loves to rail against. We’ll explore going in to legislative overtime. Also, after signing a bill banning texting and driving, governor Abbott pledges to go an extra mile, and some local governments won’t like it. Plus the return of the bathroom bill and a thousand dollar raise for Texas teachers? We’ll set the stage for the just announced special session. And 12 thousand new jobs in just six months. Why surprising new numbers in Texas oil and gas may not add up to what you think it does. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: May 10, 2017
Nixonian or something else? Texans and their political leaders come to terms with an historic move by the White House, we’ll explore. Also more on the surprise firing of the FBI director, reaction from across Texas and what comes next. Plus, new medical facilities sprouting like weeds across Texas, but are they really good for Texas’ health? We’ll hear the controversy. And a law in force since the mid sixties, one which has been largely ignored by cities across the lone star state for decades.Although now, some are speaking a different language. We’ll explain. All of that and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: April 12, 2017
He was one of the most prominent voices spearheading a conservative revolution. Now he faces challenges from all sides. A conversation with Ted Cruz. Also a rare patch of unspoiled land meets massive metropolitan growth. The coming battle over Jones State Forest and what it could mean for all Texans. Plus a lawsuit to nullify the treaty of Hidalgo: are Mexican politicians serious? We’ll explore. And a cold war attack that you seldom read about in Texas history books: the forgotten invasion of Lampasas. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: April 5, 2017
Has the freedom caucus outlived its usefulness? Congressman Ted Poe on why he walked away and what that means for conservatives in Texas. Also, out of control: after hundreds of arrests and even deaths during spring break, South Padre demand a shift in the island’s image as the teenage party capitol. And from ranchers to rock stars, how the resurgence of chain stitched western wear could be a Texas sized boon for business. Also a warning to gephyrophobes about the scariest bridge in all of you know where. All that and more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: March 29, 2017
The dismantling of the clean power plan, a catastrophe? A former Obama Administration official says it’s the right thing to do, we’ll explore. Also the US supreme court takes a step that could have a profound impact on who Texas sends to death row. Plus public colleges and universities across Texas bracing for what looks like a perfect storm: a money pinch from all sides: so now what? And the new map being rolled out in schools across the nation, could you find Texas on it? Plus are you hungry for some mudbugs? Believe it or not, there’s app for that, and it’s proving more successful than it’s creators’ wildest dreams. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: March 15, 2017
Two Texas lawmakers may have discovered a cure for what ails our political process. The catch: someone’s gotta pay for the gas. Also all across the US the numbers grow to nearly 500 so-called sanctuary cities and jurisdictions. That number may be about to shrink: lawmakers hear from everyday Texans on a bill to draw the line in TX, we’ll explain. And at the rodeo, more than just fun and games: leather chairs and wheeler dealers–we’ll peek behind the curtain at the big show in Houston. Plus can a single citizen make a difference in politics? A texan puts that question to the test. Those stories and so much more, today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: February 22, 2017
Picture this: the US orders new deportation camps set up along the Mexico border. Unrealistic? Mexico doesn’t think so, we’ll have the latest. Plus with the Trump administration announcing new deportation orders, where does that leave Mexican nationals in the US previously permitted to stay under deferred action? The view from a place called limbo. Also, why are so many Texans getting hit with surprise medical bills? And what’s being done about em? Plus, going whole hog: the man behind the plan to shoot feral swine from helicopters has a new plan:poison. This can’t be good, can it? All that and much more on the national news show of Texas:
Texas Standard: February 15, 2017
President Trump calls it nonsense but the New York Times says Trump’s aides and close associates were in constant contact with Russian intelligence, before the election. Also day 27 of the Trump administration. We’ll break down the latest developments with a Texan who served on the National Security Council. Plus, a group of former US Ambassadors to Mexico ask the president to change his tone with our neighbor to the south. The foster care system is dysfunctional but what’s it’s like inside the system? We’ll hear from a young person who lived through it. And the forgotten african-american cowboys of Texas, saddle up, it’s Texas standard time: