Dr. Ed Burger

Higher Ed: Choosing a “Final Class”

If you only had one class left to take in school, what would it be? Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton explore what that last class could – or should? – be, and making the transition from formal education to lifelong learning. Ed and Jennifer reflect on the last classes they took in their formal educations (Jennifer’s may surprise you; Ed’s probably won’t!) and introduce the latest puzzler. Hint: a little math along the way in school may help with this one.

This episode was recorded May 16, 2016.

Higher Ed: Commencement Reflections

Caps and gowns … diplomas… speeches… parties… and anxieties about what’s next. It’s commencement season, and thousands of higher education graduates across the country are packing up their dorm rooms and embarking on the next stage of life. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger reflect on what commencement means and discuss what most students actually take away from their college experiences. It may not be exactly what you’d expect. And neither is the solution to the math puzzler about journalists – listen on!

Higher Ed: Graduation Advice to Our Younger Selves

“If I only knew then what I know now….” Sure, hindsight is 20/20. But if you could talk to your younger self, what advice would you give? What decisions would you make differently? During this graduation season,  Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton give their younger selves some words of wisdom about life and learning. Think of it as “Higher Ed’s” 2016 commencement address. They may be talking to “Lower Ed” and “Jennifer, Jr.” but much of that advice still holds true today. No puzzler this week – just puzzle over the advice in this episode.

This episode was recorded on March 28, 2016.

Higher Ed: Making Math Fascinating

A podcast listener and fan recently wrote in with a question: How does one teach (or force) current and future Math teachers to make Mathematics fascinating? (By the way, that podcast listener is studying Mathematics education.) Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger is a mathematician, so who better to tackle that! He and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton explore that question in this episode of Higher Ed.

It can make us squirm, sweat, and stress out. Math is a frightening school subject for some, but does it have to be? Ed and Jennifer talk about ways teachers can lessen the sting of Math and make it something that engages rather than turns off students. You’ll also get the solution to the most recent puzzler. Remember the one that required a little Algebra to get the solution?

This episode was recorded on March 28, 2016.

Higher Ed: Should Math Be a College Requirement?

Math: we love it; we hate it; we cannot live without it. A Higher Ed podcast listener had read a National Public Radio piece on a book that argues against requiring advanced Math in school. That listener – who’s studying Mathematics education – was inspired to write in and ask: Should Math be a college requirement? Does Math add significant value to a college curriculum? Can students become lifelong learners without taking Math? KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger explore those questions in this episode of Higher Ed. Ed’s a mathematician, so you know it’s going to be a lively discussion about the role and utility of Math in college curricula. But you might be surprised to hear whether or not he thinks it ought to be required. Be warned: you may need a little of that algebra you learned in school to solve the newest puzzler; it’s unveiled in this episode.

This episode was recorded on March 28, 2016.

Higher Ed: Roles and Responsibilities of Higher Ed

What are the roles and responsibilities of higher education – if any – in resolving growing inequality in the US and globally? That provocative question from a listener prompted KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger to explore the roles and responsibilities of higher ed in general for this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed. Ed and Jennifer talk about the role of higher ed in training and preparing students to tackle all manner of tough issues nationally and around the world. Should higher ed teach what to think? Or how to think? On a lighter note, pass the mangoes; listen on to find out the solution to last episode’s puzzler with ten friends, ten mangoes, and a mango to spare.

This episode was recorded on March 28, 2016.


Higher Ed: The “Messiness” of Learning

Most people like what is familiar, comfortable, and tidy. But should learning be that way, too? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about the ways in which learning is actually quite messy. And how we shouldn’t want it any other way. Ed and Jennifer discuss the value of getting down and dirty when it comes to learning new ideas. But does the thought of messing things up bring on anxiety? Ed has some thoughts about anxiety, learning, and education. Time for a new puzzler, too; for this one you need ten friends, ten mangoes, and one sturdy box.

This episode was recorded on February 24, 2016.

Higher Ed: A Vision for Education

Think. Create. Connect. To make meaning and make a difference. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton talks with Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger about a new vision for education and what that can look like in practice.  They dive in to the pieces of that vision to see what it might take to revolutionize education. You’ll also get the solution to the multi-scenario puzzler about children, birth order, and gender.

This episode was recorded on February 24, 2016.

Higher Ed: Turning Learning Inside Out

We all know the traditional classroom drill: go to class; listen to a lecture; take notes; go home; do the homework; come back to class; repeat. What if that model were reversed, and students heard the lecture information outside the classroom and spent class time wrestling with questions and ideas? In this week’s episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss inquiry-based learning. You might have heard about the “flipped classroom” – where students hear the lecture material outside of class and work on questions during class time. That’s one example of inquiry-based learning, and in this episode Ed and Jennifer dig deeper into that topic. They also share the solution to the fishing-pole-on-the-bus math puzzler!

This episode was recorded on March 25, 2015.


Higher Ed: Choosing a College

What does Spring bring with it? The weather turns warmer. Flowers bloom. Taxes are due. And for students pursuing an education beyond high school, it’s time to make a big decision: where to go to college. It can be a stressful but also exciting time in a student’s academic career. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss how students can determine if a college is the right place to study. Before the internet, students would pour through mounds of brochures and course catalogs, and maybe visit some campuses, trying to see which colleges might be a good match. Now, just about everything anyone could ever want to know about a school is available online. But what about the intangibles? In this episode, Ed and Jennifer navigate that tricky matrix of choosing where to attend college. Ed has tips on knowing if an institution can deliver on its educational promises.  Course offerings? Student to faculty ratio? Listen on to find out what to look for when making a college selection.

Higher Ed: The Intersection of Arts and Sciences

Some students and life-long learners think they’re only good at one kind of subject. Maybe they consider themselves “science” people, or perhaps they keep their distance from labs but cannot get enough of history books. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about the origins of what we know as “liberal arts” (hint: it all leads back to math) and why we can benefit from moving outside our comfort zones in what we study and explore. Ed and Jennifer talk about the evolution of the disciplines that make up the liberal arts and look at what those topics have to offer each other and us. For instance, Ed makes the case why pre-med students should study art history. You’ll also hear the new puzzler; it’s all about probability and biology.

This episode was recorded on February 24, 2016.

Higher Ed: How Outside Circumstances Can Impact Learning

In an ideal world, every student comes to class, or to any educational situation, well-prepared and ready to learn. But in reality, all kinds of life circumstances outside the classroom – such as poverty – can influence what happens inside the classroom. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about how those factors impact students’ experiences. Ed and Jennifer respond to a listener’s personal story and inquiry about the effects of poverty on learning. You’ll also get the solution to last episode’s puzzler about waffles and a family tree.

This episode was recorded on January 22, 2016.

Higher Ed: Co-Curriculars and Learning

What happens outside of the classroom – should it stay outside the classroom? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about the value of co-curriculars to learning. Sports. Theatre. Comedy. Wait, comedy? That’s one of Ed’s hobbies, and he and Jennifer discuss how all kinds of activities outside the classroom can enhance learning. Put down your books to hear their discussion, as well as the new brunch-based puzzler.

This episode was recorded on January 22, 2016.

Higher Ed: Teaching Intangibles

Persistence. Mindfulness. Caring. Passion. Should these be taught in school? Can they even be taught? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about teaching intangibles. A listener’s email prompted this discussion about the value of teaching these topics in school. And listen on for the crazy solution to last episode’s puzzler that was all about eights.

This episode was recorded on January 22, 2016.

Higher Ed: Time Management

Who doesn’t feel pressed for time? And who isn’t challenged by managing time during school? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about time management – what works, what doesn’t, and why sometimes doing nothing at all is the best thing to do. Ed calls time management one of the most important skills we can learn in school. Listen on to find out why. You’ll also hear this week’s new puzzler. Think of it as a different kind of “crazy eights” game.

This episode was recorded on January 22, 2016.

Higher Ed: College Rankings

Best undergraduate school. Best graduate school. Best public school. Best regional school. Top “party school.” These are just some of the ways institutions of higher learning are ranked in various surveys. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about what those rankings really show and how they can best be used – or not – in choosing a school. Ed argues that these rankings are generic, and cannot provide students with a valuable selection of options tailored to their interests and needs. Listen on to hear more and to get the solution to last episode’s “hairy” puzzler.

This episode was recorded on December 15, 2015.

Higher Ed: Standardized Testing

PSAT. STAAR. ACT. SAT. Does the thought of taking standardized tests make your palms sweat and heart race? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about what standardized tests can and cannot measure, and the role they play in education and learning. Spoiler alert: Ed doesn’t like them. Listen on to find out why, and for a new puzzler. Be warned: this one gets a little bit hairy.

This episode was recorded on December 15, 2015.

Higher Ed: the Importance of Role Models and Mentors

Think back to someone who has really influenced you in your life. Maybe it has been a teacher, a coach, a boss, or someone from less obvious quarters. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about the crucial way role models and mentors can encourage us on our learning paths. Ed and Jennifer reflect on some role models in their own lives, and how we can all benefit from opening up to the wisdom and experience of others. And are you curious to find out when 6 = 8? Listen on for the solution to last episode’s puzzler.

Higher Ed: Learning More – and Liking It – in 2016

We are already well into 2016. How are those New Year’s resolutions holding up? Don’t feel bad; it can be hard to keep some of the lofty goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year.  In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about some easy ways to make – and keep – a resolution to learn and explore more in 2016. Some school experiences can leave us feeling like learning is a chore. Why would we want to add more of that to our busy schedules? Ed and Jennifer discuss small steps that can make a big difference in enriching our lives. And a new year means a new puzzler. Can 6 = 8? Yes, it can (sometimes). Hint: have pen and paper ready for the puzzler. It’ll help.

This episode was recorded on December 15, 2015.

Higher Ed: Hmmmmm…….Learning and Doubt

Doubt. It can make us question some of our deeply-held beliefs. But is that necessarily a bad thing? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about the value that doubt can have for our learning and education. Doubt can be a catalyst for expanding our thinking. So says Ed in this episode. Listen to him and Jen discuss cats, dogs, beets, and doubt. Yes, it all relates! And listen on to find out if the solution to the most recent puzzler will rain on your parade.

This episode was recorded on November 18, 2015.