Rick Perry in the hot seat today as new questions swirl over whether he really understood what job he was nominated to do. A degree in animal husbandry is not a prerequisite for energy secretary, but will his resume as Texas’ longest serving chief executive convince the senate Rick Perry’s the right person for the job? Also, a promise from the president elect: to undo scores of Obama era orders with a few well placed strokes of the pen. What’s really on the chopping block, and what isn’t? And a cartoon controversy gets serious: who’ should really get credit as the birthplace of Popeye? Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:
Donald Trump
Texas Standard: January 18, 2017
The price of disagreement in Texas: it comes to 5 point 3 billion dollars. But what does the chasm between the house and senate add up to? We’ll explore. Also with the nation getting set for an inauguration, hundreds of thousands of women prepare to go marching on Washington. But to what effect? We’ll explore the power of a mode of protest. And Venezuela scraps old paper for new. Hardly a solution to hyperinflation, but might it cause more problems than it solves? Also a teen pregnancy video contest, not another MTV reality show, but an exercise to address a real world challenge facing Texas. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: January 13, 2017
A small step for a president, a giant leap in history: a cold war policy dropped, with huge implications for the lone star state. The story today. Also, when he left San Antonio for Washington DC, he was seen as a rising star for democrats: what’s next for outgoing HUD secretary Julian Castro? We’ll talk with him. Plus: a Texas company with claims of a break through for clearing the air of carbon, we’ll hear about it. And a record year for mergers and acquisitions in Texas. We’ll explore what that means, plus our review of the week in politics, the truth behind a movie on the women behind the space race, and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: January 11, 2017
In the past 24 hours, explosive allegations against the President elect have surfaced. Some now wonder: is there a pre-inaugural panic button? We’ll explore. Also, in a state that prides itself on being number one, a dubious distinction… Texas: the uninsured capitol of the US. What if anything happens to healthcare statewide come January 20th? Plus: the oil industry makes a pitch to cash strapped lawmakers: keep the regulators well funded. We’ll talk with the person behind the push. And the Lt. Governor quotes Martin Luther King Jr to introduce his transgender bathroom bill…are we sure Martin Luther King said what he was quoted as saying? All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: January 10, 2016
As lawmakers return to the Texas capitol today, a loud warning from a top state official: money’s tight. What that means for everyday Texans. Plus, yesterday we were at the border. Today we’re looking at another aspect of potential change to Texas in a new political era: a fight over so-called sanctuary cities. Also lights, camera, and cash? Why plans are in the works to shut off incentives for Texas filmmakers. And he’s been called the first social media president. Now some Texas researchers have been given the white house ok to explore what that really means for modern politics. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: January 5, 2016
He once called him a buffoon with the fear mongering arguments of a child. Now, a top Hispanic leader is joining the Trump team. Our conversation today. Also massive protests and reports of looting in cities all across Mexico as parts of the country come to a virtual standstill. We’ll hear what’s behind it. And a closer to home a tightening job market. How some Texas companies are trying to win over the best and brightest with coffee bars, free college courses and other perks. Plus how much does it really cost to educate Texas kids? The state rethinks the numbers. And the promise of 2017, from high tech to tacos. All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: December 20, 2016
The assassination of a symbol of the old order. The rise of populist nationalism. Can history help us, or are we kidding ourselves? We’ll explore. Also events in the US, Turkey and Germany this week have millions turning to the past to help make sense of the future. A Texas-based scholar will try to help us make sense of the search for historic parallels. Plus deja vu in Corpus Christi. The latest water ban and by no means the first. As the taps reopen, out come the lawsuits and recriminations. We’ll have the latest. And charitable giving for political access. A Texas based group with ties to the future President comes under fire…those stories and a whole lot more, today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: December 1, 2016
An farewell holiday gift from the President: a pardon for immigrants in the US illegally. Could that actually happen? We’ll not often do democrats and republicans agree, but with the prospect of a huge wall looming, two Texas lawmakers from opposite sides of the aisle are pushing a bill to keep borders open, at least for trade. And remember the Alamo? Not like this you don’t. Details emerge of a 300 million dollar facelift for the shrine of Texas independence. And why we shouldn’t forget the unsung heroes of the internet…most likely living in your bedroom closet. All that and much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 29, 2016
The Ohio State University attack and the Texas connection: does the incident underscore concerns about refugee resettlement? We’ll explore. Also to alert Ohio State students yesterday, administrators sent out a message on social media: run hide fight. A phrase that may turn out to be a 21st century version of duck and cover, which has its origins in Houston. And a Texas elector defects, saying its his moral and civic duty not to vote for Donald Trump. We’ll hear his explanation. And the true costs of coaching-did Charlie Strong lose his job over what happened on the gridiron, or something else? The bottom line and then some today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 25, 2016
Improving education: a lot of Texans know the talk, but a Texas lawmaker walk the walk. We’ll meet him and hear his strategy. Plus as mainstream media continues to wrestle with how they got the election so wrong, what’s next? How the events and the outcome of campaign 2016 translate for tomorrow’s journalists. Plus free stuff. Anybody up for that? Viral videos claim to teach consumers how to get expensive high tech goodies without paying. We’ll explore the truth behind the claims. Also a conversation with one of the Lone Star State’s best known film makers: Richard Linklater. Plus the week in Texas politics and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 23, 2016
Just in time for the holidays a federal court in Texas puts the brakes on a law expanding overtime to millions of workers. Plus you’ve heard about the protests in the Dakotas, but what about the science? Are the pipelines really that much of a threat to the water? We’ll explore. And deadlier than the top forms of cancer combined: efforts underway to reduce the number of medical mistakes. Plus a prominent politician says that in Texas, more money is spent keeping a person in prison than in educating a student. Is that fact? Also, planning a camping trip out in west Texas? Just so you know: the Big Bend bears are back. All that and more on today’s Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 22, 2016
Detroit, Stockton, Orange County: all on a list of cities and counties that have declared bankruptcy, could a big one from Texas be next? Plus we’ll have the latest on the ambush-style killing of a San Antonio Police Officer. Also, over the top tweets gotcha down? Facebook giving you the frowns? NPR’s All tech Considered tells us why after the election more and more folks say they’re pulling the plug on social media. Plus a world class symphony playing the blues…what a strike and concert cancellations add up to for the arts, and for the citizens at large. And Exxon fires back over global warming with an unprecedented move. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 21, 2016
Police ambushed in three states this weekend including an officer killed in San Antonio. Mere coincidence, or coordinated? We’ll explore. Plus he calls them the worst of the worst: how does the president elect’s plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants with criminal convictions square with reality? Also, no longer going Strong? After a weekend loss, Texas’ football coach appears all but fired, but critics say it’s the university that’s fumbled. We’ll hear why. And the rise of a new music city not powered by musicians as much as their producers. Plus the anatomy of a fake news story and much more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 18, 2016
According to some in Sacramento, the election outcome is an existential threat. Has California become the new Texas? Plus Texas has legalized the medical use of cannabis oil, but the fees for doing business may make it impossible. A co author of the bill wonders if that wasn’t part of the plan, we’ll hear from her. Also, a prominent public figure delivers a concession speech: only this one’s not politics, it’s football. We’ll hear what the fuss is about, and why it matters in a larger sense. Plus a Texas history textbook from the 1950’s rediscovered, and reviewed. And the week in politics and much more coming up today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 17, 2016
Oreos, Netflix, New Balance, Amazon: consumer boycotts as a proxy for the ballot box. But who’s buying it, and do they work? We’ll explore. Also he campaigned to repeal and replace Obamacare, but what would Trumpcare mean for texans? We’ll look at the range of possibilities. Plus the changing of the guard in Washington could leave a few holes in Texas politics. Who’ll fill the seats, and how. Also, did he really sell his soul to the devil? As San Antonio prepares to celebrate an iconic bluesman, a few myths get broken along the way. And the robots are coming: whose jobs will they take? Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 16, 2016
A bill introduced to end sanctuary cities across Texas… but wait a minute. Are there any sanctuary cities across Texas? We’ll explore. Also a new oil boom becomes a knife fight for land. We’ll hear where, what’s behind it, and who’s getting rich. Plus Texas leads the nation in wind power, but at times, has to give away electricity because there’s no place to store it. Now a possible solution, under our feet. And remember the surge? Years after the first rush of immigrant families across the border, a Texas city demands compensation…so far to no effect. We’ll learn the backstory and much more this hour on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 14, 2016
From cyberbullying bills to political ethics rules, what’s just over the horizon for Texas? We’re about to find out for real. Plus as the Feds send more force to the border, there are signs Texas law enforcement may lighten up on the southern frontier. We’ll hear why. Also, republican administrations are often thought of as good for the military business but some at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth aren’t so sanguine about the future. We’ll explore the fight over the F-35. Plus it is a term that was coined by a police officer: suicide by cop. What’s being done to address the issue and what isn’t. All that and more today on the Texas Standard:
Election Results 2016
No matter which party you voted for last Tuesday, this election has revealed a lot about the psychology of our country. There is a lot of anger, alienation, and fear on both sides and it will take hard work to recover and move forward.
We might not be ready to do so now, and that is okay. We are all feeling the effects of the aftermath, and it can be tough to get a sense of perspective; in either victory or defeat.
However, in this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke, offer a few words of advice on how we can repair, forgive, and move on.
The Ticket: Post-Election Chat
The Psychology of Civic Engagement – Live
Everything from what motivates people to vote, to why we’re much more politically polarized today than we’ve ever been. In this discussion, KUT’s Two Guys on Your Head (Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke) joins KUT’s Rebecca McInroy and The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life to take a look at “The Psychology of Civic Engagement.”